Greater Make Whole and Timeworn Tech Items

Iron Gods

Been looking through some threads on here and rereading the tech guide, and I could see my party just selling most of the tech gear not wanting to deal with Timeworn items.
So I was thinking of two fixes:
One is that only the Technic League and the black market buy and deal in Tech, so selling the items will be risky.

The other idea is to have Greater Make Whole fix timeworn items with a material component cost equal to 10 or 20 percent of the cost of the item.

Do you guys think that is a good way to do away with timeworn items?

But still keeping them useable.

I kept them easily salable on the basis that the black market would be much easier to find anywhere that wasn't Starfall. It's rarely worth messing around with the game's economy. Certainly shouldn't make timeworn so relatively easy to fix. Think of them as wands.

I found that in someone else’s post that ran Iron Gods so I was trying to take from people experience with people not using the tech like they wanted them to.

Mathmuse's advice in the thread Going Wild with Technology is what I will use when I resume my Iron Gods game in the next couple of months.

That’s where I got this from but he says that making it free was to easy

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