Extraordinary deal if you're a recent subscriber

Paizo General Discussion

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I don't know the best forum for this, but if you're a relative newcomer to the Paizo subscriptions (ie you signed up from Strange Aeons or later) and want to catch up on some lost titles there are some amazing deals at the moment on the site:

The Giantslayer AP Bundle

Hell's Rebels AP Bundle

Hell's Vengeance AP Bundle

If you weren't a subscriber at the time but are now entitled to the Paizo Advantage, you can pick up an entire six volume AP, plus the pawn set, plus the map folio for $59-50 (plus postage).

Even if you're not a subscriber, the $70-00 is a bargan.

It's part of a broader sale as first edition draws to an end. There's a number of discounted odds and sods there, but I think the AP bundles in particular are a real opportunity to fill out a collection on the cheap.

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