Who is Dhurus?

Starfinder Society

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^ That.

Though, I think Perseverance may also have a demon possessing them.

Wayfinders 3/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****


Unknown knowns?:
Houses of painful memories... I anticipate and dread my return to those shacks.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Stuff & Things:
Historia-Prime is something that we may investigate more of in the future? There's a loose thread at the end of the scenario that leaves things open for us to revisit.

Guidance is more of a long-term campaign element, and I am entirely pleased with leaving it as a community-fed conspiracy for a season or two before we consider anything else in that direction.

As for "THE OTHER" thing people have mentioned. That ties into a very personal metaplot that I've been solidifying over several years. For those who don't know, I'm hoping to get some cool content out to explain. :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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About Guidance(and Luwazi):
I have been running the Commencement with Guidance starting off the briefing, and then Luwazi coming in and interrupting things, and then Luwazi and Guidance get into an argument about Luwazi only being the "Nominated First Seeker", and asking why Luwazi thought she should have first seeker prerogatives when Guidence had not confirmed Luwazi's First Seekerhood.

I think that this has added a bit of spice to the situations, and I have had players take Pro-Guidance and Pro-Luwazi stands and preferences, and wanting to look more into this whole situation with Luwazi and Guidance.

I also say that Luwazi has not parked herself in the First Seeker's office, but instead mostly operates out of a side office that is not the official First seeker's office (for her daily work), which suggests that Luwazi is being reasonable and humble. Then Luwazi gives the briefing, and refers to an "upcoming important event I need the Faction leaders support on", referring to 01-05. In many ways, it still works with Jadnura being rescued...

In Response to Thursty...:
Please, keep the paranoia. The community has many people good with conspiracies.

You keep working on that content.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Guidance & Luwazi:
OH! OH! I love this! I am stealing this! Why didn't I think of this?

In Response to Thursty:
Yes, love the paranoia, and looking forward to whatever you come up with.

Also, I am wondering now if there needs to be a tinfoil hat photo-op with Thursty at SkalCon. Though... We already do Tiaras, so maybe this would be adding too much.


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