[Spheres of might] Adroit Warden?

Advice and Rules Questions

It has come to my attention that the Adroit Warden Archetype for the Sentinel was removed from the game. Did the developers give any particular reason why this is the case?

Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

My understanding (and I'll see if I can get ahold of Jolly to confirm) is that the archetype went away as part of the various tweaks that were made to the base Sentinel class before SoM went to print. The final version of the sentinel was such that the archetype wasn't really serving a purpose anymore.

I kinda see it when reading the class over again I can see why it's gone. Though it would be kinda nice if there still was some kind of archetype to replace the AW... I guess if I could be so audacious as to brainstorm it.

Saves: Strong Fortitude is replaced by strong Reflex

Wise Reflexes: Not sure how I'd replace this considering the fact that it REPLACES your dexterity bonus when any sort of 'adroit warden' would want dex, but making it add both your wisdom and dexterity would make it be considered basically better than the original (even with an unarmored restriction).

Guard Wall: Either some kind of benefit for moving around more, or some kinda bonus related to imposition (maybe you can spend a resolve point to move to an ally's side as an immediate action?)

Dedicated Defense: Don't know if I'd really want to replace this, though I think that a "light armored" archetype would need to have something to do more with avoiding blows than tanking them (although a "Hardened Skin" ability wouldn't be totally out of place) but I think giving some kinda dodge bonus would just be a crippling overspecialization.

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