Warriorking9001 |

I was thinking about the above-mentioned systems and got somewhat of an idea about it, tell me if this seems off.
Concentrated Focus (Drawback)
Prerequisites: Mental Focus Drawback.
Benefits: You have learned to push all of your energy and focus when it is needed most. You may use a free action at any time that you make a concentration check to treat that concentration check as if you rolled a 15. Doing so expends your mental focus.
Special: with GM permission, you may qualify for Psionic feats that require you to spend psionic focus, using your mental focus in place of it.

GM Rednal |
Hmm... make it 13 instead of 15. That makes it more like Martial Focus in Spheres of Might, which offers a similar expend-focus-to-get-specific-roll effect. Otherwise, it's fine. Mental focus is something you generally want to have, and even if you can get a good Concentration roll out of it, losing it is a real cost. XD That seems plenty balanced to me.

Warriorking9001 |

Hmm... make it 13 instead of 15. That makes it more like Martial Focus in Spheres of Might, which offers a similar expend-focus-to-get-specific-roll effect. Otherwise, it's fine. Mental focus is something you generally want to have, and even if you can get a good Concentration roll out of it, losing it is a real cost. XD That seems plenty balanced to me.
Thanks for the advi... oh it's you again!.
and admittedly I got the idea pretty much entirely because of Psionics (where you have your focus and can spend it for that concentration bit or any psionic feat that will take your focus) but as far as I know, there are no real costs to actually losing your psionic focus and no way that you can end up losing your focus in the wild without spending it (I also confess I didn't know the Saving throw bit on Martial Focus. [also no real penalties for losing your martial focus either]).

GM Rednal |
Keep the psionic bit. The normal rule in psonics is that it tries to be as compatible as possible (i.e. anti-magic is also anti-psionic), so anything that helps uphold that is probably for the best. Maybe note that faster methods of regaining psionic focus don't work if you expend it in this way, though - Mental Focus is a drawback and should remain a drawback, not something you can use other class abilities to cleverly skirt. XD

Warriorking9001 |

True, and I wasn't planning on letting people skirt it entirely, Though admittedly the only abilities I know of among the feats that would actually allow you to cheese it would be... (and feel free to tell me if I'm missing something, I didn't read every single psionic feat before this)
Psychic Mediation: reduces the time needed to concentrate to a move action: Which... okay that certainly makes it more manageable but with that same feat cost you can just remove the drawback entirely, meaning you're 2 feats to 1 if you wanted to get it just for that (granted though you gain benefits from the drawback feat still so it isn't that great)
Critical Refocus: When you spend your focus and get a critical hit with the same attack you spent your focus on. This is something that could be worryingly cheesed by crit fisher fighters with aligned attacks or psionic critical (assuming that's even a thing, which I'd personally say it's not because they both apply AFTER it's found that it is a crit) but simultaneously this is something that... when you're not going total crit fisher seems like it would be really cool. You spend your focus to make sure that maximized enhanced destructive blast connects even when someone's trying to interrupt you, crit on the blast, and regain mental focus for doing so.

GM Rednal |
I think one of the classes also gets a reduction down pretty far, though only for a certain number of times per day... it's mostly a principles thing, though. XD Anything inflicting a drawback on you - especially for a different benefit - shouldn't be too easy to circumvent.
Though, making another investment (like a feat) to do it is reasonable...