Kiesman |
Yes, Channel Energy feats apply to all instances of channel energy that you have. However;
Quick Channel wrote:
You may channel energy as a move action by spending 2 daily uses of that ability.
Emphasis mine. Quick Channel requires that you expend the two uses from the same pool, and any other feats with similar reference.

Cevah |

However, for Extra Channel, there is a FAQ:
FAQ wrote:
Extra Channel: If I take this feat and I have more than one class with the ability to channel energy, do I have to assign the extra uses to a particular class when I choose the feat?
No. In effect, the feat gives you two "floating" uses of channel energy per day, and you can use them with any appropriate class you have which grants the channel energy ability.
For example, if you're a cleric/necromancer, each day you could use 1 channel as a cleric and 1 as a necromancer, 2 as a cleric and 0 as a necromancer, or 0 as a cleric and 2 as a necromancer.
Note that this does not give you an extra two uses of channel energy for *each* class that grants it—the feat gives you exactly two extra uses per day.