Calendrical pedantry

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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I fully acknowledge that this is extremely pedantic to be pointing out, and it only even has remotely meaningful consequences 1 day of the year (though up to 2 days from 2024 to 2031). But I figured it's an entertaining enough detail to point out anyway:

It isn't Kuthona 21st today. It's Kuthona 22nd.

See, we all assume Golarion's calendar exactly matches ours, except for changing the names of the months and adding 2700 to the year. But, canonically speaking, Golarion only has leap years every 8 years, as opposed to the Gregorian rule of "Every 4 years, except century years aren't leap years, except years divisible by 400 are still leap years". This means, AD 2016 was a leap year and February had 29 days in it, but 4716 AR wasn't a leap year, so Calistril only had 28 days that year.

Thus, assuming April 12th, AD 2011 = Gozran 12th, 4711 AR as the release date of the Inner Sea World Guide is a fixed point, we've actually been a day behind Golarion for nearly three years now. This is just relatively inconsequential, since the year is (to the best of my knowledge) the only thing that remotely matters, and that's currently only wrong one day out of every year at the moment- Gregorian New Year's Eve being Golarion New Year's Day.

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