Morris Nelson |
While the ability seems pretty cut and dry, I'm wanting to make sure there's not something I'm overlooking. Here's the description of the ability:
Deathly Delusion (Su)
Challenge Rating: +0.
The ghost died suddenly or unexpectedly. Not even realizing it’s dead, this spirit goes about the routines of its daily life, ignoring the living in a state of undead denial. Should a ghost with this ability pass through the square of a living being, that creature must make a Will save or fall into a fitful sleep full of nightmares that aren’t its own for 1d4 minutes. For a number of following nights equal to the ghost’s Charisma modifier, the victim must make an additional Will save or be affected as per the spell nightmare.
So, could I theoretically just float around the battlefield moving through the square of my enemies and putting them to sleep one after the other (if the fail their saves, of course)? Does passing through a living creature's square require some kind of save for them to resist me going through them? Would they get some kind of Reflex to avoid me?

Morris Nelson |
While the ability seems pretty cut and dry, I'm wanting to make sure there's not something I'm overlooking. Here's the description of the ability:
Deathly Delusion (Su)
Challenge Rating: +0.The ghost died suddenly or unexpectedly. Not even realizing it’s dead, this spirit goes about the routines of its daily life, ignoring the living in a state of undead denial. Should a ghost with this ability pass through the square of a living being, that creature must make a Will save or fall into a fitful sleep full of nightmares that aren’t its own for 1d4 minutes. For a number of following nights equal to the ghost’s Charisma modifier, the victim must make an additional Will save or be affected as per the spell nightmare.
So, could I theoretically just float around the battlefield moving through the square of my enemies and putting them to sleep one after the other (if they fail their saves, of course)? Does passing through a living creature's square require some kind of save for them to resist me going through them? Would they get some kind of Reflex to avoid me?
So I guess I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no one has a concrete answer for this???

Rylden |

Well, the description states a saving throw when you pass through them, so to answer the last portion of post that's the saving throw.
Could you just float around the battle field passing through people? Sure, but the description also lists the effect as the ghost doesn't know its dead. Did your character prior to his sudden demise dance around the battle field attempting to pass through opponents? If not I doubt he would pick up the practice not knowing hes dead.
Assuming your character has figured out hes dead, and a ghost. I suppose you could pass through people, and try this sleep thing. Again, that leads back to the Will save, and provoking attacks.

Morris Nelson |
Well, the description states a saving throw when you pass through them, so to answer the last portion of post that's the saving throw.
Could you just float around the battle field passing through people? Sure, but the description also lists the effect as the ghost doesn't know its dead. Did your character prior to his sudden demise dance around the battle field attempting to pass through opponents? If not I doubt he would pick up the practice not knowing hes dead.
Assuming your character has figured out hes dead, and a ghost. I suppose you could pass through people, and try this sleep thing. Again, that leads back to the Will save, and provoking attacks.
Well, the saving throw is to resist falling asleep, but it doesn't say anything about impeding your movement on a successful save so that's why I was wondering.
I figured he'd still provoke AoO's so that part wasn't as much of a worry. I'll have to run it by my GM as far as the flavor/story aspect of the ability. He's pretty liberal on that front, but we'll see. Thanks for the insight.