psionic power question (the third party power)

Advice and Rules Questions

how does bend reality function?
it sounds like limited wish

keyton777 wrote:

how does bend reality function?

it sounds like limited wish

Correct; they're very similar. What about it's function do you need explained?

could i use bend reality to dispell an effect
bring someone back to life, or reattach a head for example before they die, die

delete a door that cant be moved otherwise

that kind of stuff

keyton777 wrote:
could i use bend reality to dispell an effect

Well, dispel psionics is a 3rd-level power, so yes.

Because: "Duplicate any other power (but not a spell) of 4th level or lower, even if it’s of a prohibited discipline."

bring someone back to life

Well, psionic revifify is a 5th level egoist power, so again yes.

Because: "Duplicate any Psion/Wilder power of 5th on a discipline power list."

or reattach a head for example before they die, die

This sounds like you're describing something similar to the spell breath of life, which like raise dead is also 5th-level. So a psionic version of that would be viable.

Because: "Produce any other effect whose power level is in line with the above effects..."

delete a door that cant be moved otherwise

Well, that's like time hop, which is a 3rd-level power. That power lasts round per level. Moving an object further into the future in exchange for a higher-level power seems reasonable. Alternatively the disintegration power - which is 6th-level - will work fine. Unless you're playing a tactician.

Because: "Duplicate any Psion/Wilder power of 6th level or lower, provided the power is on the Psion/Wilder power list or your discipline power list (if any)."

that kind of stuff

See how this works? You find either a power (or spell) that does what you want, and you look to see if it matches. If you can't find the exact power (or spell), finding something similar is almost always possible. That gives you the relative strength of what you're asking for.

There are so many powers and spells that virtually everything you can imagine has already been documented. Admittedly, it's hard to know what's out there to look things up, but that's the player price of using a "I can do almost anything that can be done" character ability.

Let me know if I can help further.

you did, i admit, the DM rushed the game start while i was finishing my psion
so he really only had the basic energy power types and mind thrust

ty btw, i figured the DM was railroading whatever he was doing

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keyton777 wrote:

you did, i admit, the DM rushed the game start while i was finishing my psion

so he really only had the basic energy power types and mind thrust

ty btw, i figured the DM was railroading whatever he was doing

No worries. If we can help further, let us know.

I find the "add-on" systems for Pathfinder; psionics, Path of War, Akashic Mysteries and so on really add a lot of interesting options to play with, but they can be daunting to pick up if you're new to the game at all.

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