Razor Coast Texas Style!

Game Master brvheart

Razor Coast, a devil’s paradise, where a man’s fortune can bleed out quicker than a spitted pig, and where the dawn sky blazes across endless oceans. Oceans that for centuries hid a lost people of whom legend whisper were born into these wild reaches as the sons of sharks. Here, within in the kraken’s clutches, law means little while gold breaks all boundaries and blood, pearls, and rum pay for all sin.

The Veiled Isle
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Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

As the spell takes place, a blue miniature trident appears above Garreg, slowly turning on itself.

"Thanks, this will help us find a good way to work together. As you've proposed, you said you can lead us in Bonegnaw's lair and you know the password. But we need more than that. Are you ready to come with us and fight alongside us for that?
If so, I'm ready to share the loot with you and I believe my comrades will do so.
If so, I'm going to ask you a few more questions about the cove."

For speed of play, here is the list of questions Beth will ask, if anyone has something to add, please do so.

"Do you confirm knowing the password and the location of Bonegnaw's cove?
Does that password ever change?
Have you already entered the cove?
Can you describe us what it looks like?
How many people are defending it?
What tactics you think they will use?
Do you know of any traps that could have been installed?
Besides directing his crew, is this Bonegnaw known for his arcane abilities or his worshipping of a god. Do you know if he's got a preferred weapon?
All those answers will help us devise a plan to take him out as quickly as possible."

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Morgan adjusts his opinion of Garreg slightly in light of the man's willingness. Strange bedfellows we are already. Another one won't matter.

Watching Beth with Garreg, Morgan is impressed by her range of questions.

Additional questions:

Has Garreg actually had personal dealings with Bonegnaw?
Is there a way to come at them from a blindside/cliff?
What are the smugglers usual nocturnal/diurnal activities?
Is there anything Bonegnaw particularly craves/fears? Does he have a weakness?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

"Ya don't wanna know nuttin' do ya?
"Do you confirm knowing the password and the location of Bonegnaw's cove? Yeah I know's it
Does that password ever change? Probably does, but hasn't recently.
Have you already entered the cove? Been in it once or twice.
Can you describe us what it looks like? It is about 300' across with a beach with some caves. Have not been in the caves, but Bonegnaw keeps some beasties in there.
How many people are defending it? From what I saw I am guessing 8-10 and he has got some other beasties I have never seen before.
What tactics you think they will use? He has lookouts on the ridge. If you don't have the password they'll signal below.
Do you know of any traps that could have been installed? Didn't see any
Besides directing his crew, is this Bonegnaw known for his arcane abilities or his worshipping of a god. Do you know if he's got a preferred weapon? He has a scimitar and a bow.
All those answers will help us devise a plan to take him out as quickly as possible."

Sorry Morgan, missed those earlier

Has Garreg actually had personal dealings with Bonegnaw? Only business
Is there a way to come at them from a blindside/cliff? yes, but it ain't an easy climb down.
What are the smugglers usual nocturnal/diurnal activities? Have only been there during the day.
Is there anything Bonegnaw particularly craves/fears? Does he have a weakness? He don't like the Ring none. Whut does a Gnoll crave or fear?

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"How do you normally approach the cove?
How suspicious would he be of a ship even with you on turning up unannounced?
I also want to ask you about Barrett.
What backrooms are there at the Barnacle?
When did you see him and the priest in blue robes?
What defences does Barrett have?"

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"Beasties? Do you mean hawks or snakes? Or larger ones? And you said you never saw them before. Can you describe them, maybe we can guess what they are.

Wow, this sounds like a proper interrogation. Sorry about that, Garreg, but we are eager to learn all we can."

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5

"Silas and Beth, depending on the cliff, I can feather fall all of us down, though we would be drifting in air for a time as we descend to the ground below. I have studies bestiaries of a wide assortment, I may be of assistance in identifying the beasts?"

How do you normally approach the cove? In my fishing sloop.
How suspicious would he be of a ship even with you on turning up unannounced? Since I knows the password, prolly not.
I also want to ask you about Barrett.
What backrooms are there at the Barnacle? Dunno
When did you see him and the priest in blue robes? A couple of months ago.
What defences does Barrett have?" Dunno

"They are beasties. I know snakes and hawks and such. These ain't nuttin' like I've ever seen. Some like a scrawny chicken, one that flies with tail spikes.

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

Any knowledge check we can make to identify the animals with Garreg's description? kn nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Not nature and not on that roll

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

If it's kn dungeonering Beth also has it 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26. If not, it's up to Jequette, I guess.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Nice natural, nope. Truthfully, he doesn't know enough to be of that much help there.

HP 41/41, AC 12, Touch: 10, Flat Footed 12, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6, Init +0, Perception +2 | Scarshield 4/4, Kit 8/10, Active Effects: Mage Armor, Ironskin, Longarm, Enlarge Person, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation Crew

Sandman had been away, doing whatever it was that he did. He strolled up on the group with a smile, puffing away on his pipe without a care in the world as Garreg finished speaking.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

"If you will listen to advice
You will avoid the Cockatrice"

"A caution I need hardly say
Wholly superfluous to-day."

"Yet had you lived when they were rife
Such warning might have saved your life."

"To meet the Cockatrice's eye
Means certain death--and that is why"

"When I its features here portray
I make it look the other way."

"O Cockatrice! were you so mean
What must the Hen-atrice have been!"

Just a guess. ;)

Poem by Oliver Herford

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Sorry to say but on an 11 it is a nice poem:)

HP 41/41, AC 12, Touch: 10, Flat Footed 12, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6, Init +0, Perception +2 | Scarshield 4/4, Kit 8/10, Active Effects: Mage Armor, Ironskin, Longarm, Enlarge Person, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation Crew

Seriously? The one I needed was the one I rolled poorly on? Even with the clear description? Completely arbitrary order to post them in, and I have to pick the one combination that bilks me out of an answer. Shoulda just taken 10...

Damn that's frustrating.

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Morgan doesn't have any useful Kn. except Nature which we see isn't working anyway.

Morgan considers Garreg's answers. He reminds everyone that he can merge with Tiki for a bit under a minute (40 seconds) at a time, if that helps with subterfuge or surprise. Tiki is very small, doesn't need to breathe and looks like a fancy necklace. He can also be launched from a catapult or thrown. :)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

A knowledge check is something the character either knows or does not, so even if I allowed taking 10 (which I generally don't) it would not apply. Meaning you need to go with your gut on this one rather than a die roll.

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5

Need to do a review of her memory for beasts, Jequette reflects back on her training and hours spent in the academy library for so many hours.

Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Kn Dungeonering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Kn Nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Kn Planes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Any information obtain will share with the party and expand on possible means to overcome such challenges.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Or you could just roll high! Jequette confirms Sandman's suspicions and also thinks the other beast is a Chimera.

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Oh f$&k.

Though Tiki might be immune to petrification...

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

Silas nods sagely as if he knows any of these creatures they are talking about. "We should plan carefully then for assaulting this place. There seems to be a few options for actually getting in, but whatever we do must be coordinated."

These and other basic statements were brought to you by I think we've got all the info we can out of Garreg.

Obi'll give it a shot!

Arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Obi, Jequette already got a 29.

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"Garreg, thanks a lot, this will help us remove that blight on Port Shaw. We have to meet the governor later today but we'll should have time to discuss a plan. Maybe we can leave on the morning tide tomorrow? ", asks Beth around to her companions.

"And for myself, I say you're in with us if you want", she says, cancelling her spell on Garreg.

"Morning tide is 3 bells. Meet at dock 28."

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"Good. Unless anyone has an objection, we'll be there."

As they take their leave of the half-reformed drug dealer, Beth turns to her companions. "We may have the time to have a look at Barret's Barnacle back rooms if there are any. How do you want to proceed? Shall we go round the back to try to fing a good entrance and send the Tlkka in ?"

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Morgan is up for revisiting Barrett's. A back room window might be an easy in, if Obi or someone else has the break-in skills.

Apart from a back room/hidden room, determining whether there is an underground chamber should be fairly easy - most port buildings will be built at least partly off the ground, and if on the dock then an "underground" space will be between the building and the water.

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"I can help with breaking in, but given we're trusting Garreg on the cove do we not trust him to go straight in to the Barnacle anyway?"

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5
"Assessing the structure and visual review of the building compared to the inside from our brief altercation, it would suggest the building was of a particular design."

KN Engineering1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Divulge anything additional to help formulate a plan of action for the party.

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"To be fair, I'm not sure I can make myself trust Garreg even if my soul tells me I should. But I'm fairly sure he won't tell Barret anything. And only because Barret did not lift a finger trying to defend him when we told him we were only after Garreg. There is no loyalty between these men." replies Beth to Silas.

"To come back to our visit to the Barnacle, Let's just stroll by it first to locate any basement. If we do, the tiki can just drop and have a first look while we wait close by. Afterwards, it is the middle of the day and Barret will be busy with his customers inside."

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Examination of the building reveals a cellar door and another smaller building, approx. 30'x30' with a sign “Dangerous alchemicals – keep out!” This one has a padlock on the door.

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18


Can we get a clearer description?

Is the cellar door a hatch located on the edge of the Barnacle?

Is the Barnacle on land or over the docks?

Is the 30'x30' building connected/attached to the Barnacle on one or more walls?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

You would have to ask that! The pics and descriptions are not completely clear, but I am presuming that the cellar door is located in the rear of the Barnacle, which is on land. The other building does appear to be a separate building behind the Barnacle.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

This is what you see from the rear of the Barnacle

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"I think we may want to look in the other building if only to establish if it's connected to the Barnacle."

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

"Hmm. I guess we either check the cellar hatch or the outbuilding first. I'm fine either way. It's still daylight - anyone have any ideas on how to obtain access to either without being seen?"

Obi raises his hand and almost bounces like an overexcited child. "Ooh! Ooh! I know! Um...yes, err, a distraction! Yes, a distraction will work nicely." The wild man seems to be bouncing between scholarly and just plain hyperactive.

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"I can raise some fog to mask us, but a sudden apparition of fog will be suspicious. At night it will be easier as fog can naturally form."

HP 41/41, AC 12, Touch: 10, Flat Footed 12, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6, Init +0, Perception +2 | Scarshield 4/4, Kit 8/10, Active Effects: Mage Armor, Ironskin, Longarm, Enlarge Person, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation Crew

Checking in. Here, but nothing to add right now. Stealth and guile isn't my strong suit.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Really glad to have you back Obi! I needed that laugh tonight:)

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Morgan listens to Beth, and can't help smiling when Obi's enthusiasm boils over into physical action.

"If we want to do this before we meet with Bonedeuce again we can't wait for darkness to hide us - Obi's distraction seems like the best bet unless Jequette or Silas have other ideas. Which one - cellar hatch or outbuilding?"

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5

"We may ask the caster back at the Run-a-Round if he has a spell or two that could be cast? But there will be some gold that would need to change hands."

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"Well I could go over there and play my fiddle. I can probably cause a distraction to most people."

Using that bard ability for a change

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you're the only one that can open the lock. That said, that's an idea I like. If you play, we'll go and have a look at the cellar."

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"Well unless Obi can open the lock or someone has a spell that can do it may mean I'm the only one who might get lucky enough to pry it open."

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5

I do have knock in my spell selection, but would need a day to prepare it. So, if there are other matters we can attend to or address, that might be a better use of time till the early morning before we can access the cellar.

Male Adopted Sugalo Tulita Fighter (Harpoonist) 1/ Yohunga 4; HP 42/42, AC 17 T: 13: FF 15; Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +6; Init +2; Per +5; CMB +6, CMD 18

Is the cellar hatch not locked as well?

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 10; HP 78, Init +3, AC: 24 T: 17 F:20 ; Fort:+6, Ref:+11/14 vs traps, Will:+10; Per: +12; BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +10, CMD: 23

"Or someone else sorts the distraction and look out and I go take a look."

Human Cleric of Quell 7/ Ranger (Freebooter) 1; HP 75/75, AC 21 T: 15: FF 16; Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +9; Init +5; Per +14; CMB +6, CMD +22

"Right, we seem to have a single plan left. Obi, can you set up a distraction while Silas, Morgan and the Tiki has a look. I can do the lookout and try to intercept/distract anyone coming your way. Sandman and Jequette can either come with you or stay out.", summarizes Beth.

"Oh and before you go, I would start with the cellar if I were you. It will be less obvious than opening the lock in the middle of the day, even with a nice distraction."

Trying to summarize and get the things moving. Setting up a plan is always very long in PbPs....

Female Human Wizard (Evoker) 5

"Beth, if it helps with the plans, I can always recall the Knock spell with the use of my bonded item.

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