Bloodmage initiate Dwarf

Rules Questions

The Exchange

As a bloodmage initiate (feat)it says you are under the effects of a medium load. However dwarves have slow and steady, which says

Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

So in the case of bloatmage, there would be no effect on armor or speed, correct?

As I understand it, the dwarf would retain his 20 ft. movement speed, but he would still incur the -3 armour check penalty (which possibly stacks with the ACP from any armour he's wearing - not sure on this point) and have a +3 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC.

Silver Crusade

A dwarf bloatmage would not be slowed by the bloatmage initiate feat, but would still suffer the max dex limit and the armour check penalty; slow and steady only prevents speed modification, it is not immunity to encumbrance.

Dwarf bloatmage is a fun concept :)

Edit: ninja’d by a duck!

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