BREAKING: National (U.S.) Protests Thursday, November 8, 5PM To Protect Mueller Special Counsel Investigation

Off-Topic Discussions

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(Yes, I know about the ban, and I fully expect to reap the consequences. So be it.)

After yesterday's forced resignation of recused Attorney General Jeff Sessions, President Trump has replaced him with Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker*. AG Sessions had previously agreed he would recuse himself from oversight over the Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference & related crimes during the 2016 U.S. Elections, handing off responsibilities to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Before becoming AAG, Whitaker has been openly critical about the Special Counsel investigation, even offering a strategy to shut down the investigation by denying its funding. Now, as Acting Attorney General, Whitaker takes control over the U.S. Justice Department, including DAG Rosenstein's roles overseeing the Special Counsel investigation and the ongoing criminal investigation by the Southern Distict of New York's into.

Late yesterday night, Civic Action sent out the call to action notifications: Thursday, November 8th, 2018, there will be nationwide protests calling for Action Attorney General Whitaker to commit to protecting the Special Counsel investigation and to call for Congress to pass the Mueller protection legislation. You can read more about the plan and search for a local protest near you in which to participate. If you cannot make a protest, please contact your Representatives and Senators via phone, fax (House Representatives & Senators), or ResistBot:


[Congress Person],

I believe it is of the utmost importance to the rule of law to be protected.

First, Matt Whittaker must recuse himself from involvement in the Special Counsel's investigation because of his close relationship with material witness in the investigation, Sam Clovis. Moreover, his publicly critical statements regarding the investigation call into dire question his objectivity in this matter.

Failure for Whittaker to recuse himself--as is required by Section 45.2 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulation requires-- demonstrates an unquestionable intent to obstruct justice by means of the appointment.

Second, I also demand Congress to legislatively protect Special Counsel Mueller's investigation from Executive interference.

Finally, I fully expect that the new Democratic Majority to investigate the circumstances of Jefferson Session's "resignation" and the decision to immediately appoint Matt Whitaker to oversee the investigation.

I believe that no one in the United States should be above the rule of law--not you, not I, and not Donald Trump. The Special Counsel investigation must continue unimpeded to fully understand the conspiracy to enlist the aid of a hostile foreign power to interfere in the electoral process.

[your name]

I apologize to the employees of Paizo for breaking the No Politics rule. I also apologize to you all, Paizo's fans and gamers, for my willful disruption and violation of the established community rules. I fully accept the punishment for my actions. I felt that this moment is likely a critical point in how -- if -- the U.S. can continue to function as a democracy from this point forward.

Please stay safe, and thank you for your time.

* There's been a large burst of editing on Whitaker's Wikipedia page recently, so I'm not sure how much of the information there is still correct or what has been excised.

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(Whether you agree, disagree, or are somewhere in between... please don't get yourselves in trouble with the Mods by responding in this thread.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Good work. I’ll be banned alongside you. :)

(Sadly, I cant participate).

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

But her e-mails!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I am shocked! Shocked I say!!

If only we could've had some sort of warning, like on Twitter, or something!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Closed. Although I'm working on a forum strategy to get us to a place we can discuss politics, now is not quite that time.

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