Storing your pawns

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I'm a Swedish pathfinder player and student studying product development and design.

I designed my own Pawn storage box and I'm now wondering if I should bring a similar product to market. It would help me a lot if you fill in
this survey.
(it should take 4 minutes or something. 10 questions)

If you don't want to fill it in I would like to hear, how do you store your pawns?

What problems do you have with storing pawns?

EDIT: I goofed. I thought "pawns" was another word for models. I'd mention that a similar product could be card-boxes, but I think I no longer have relevant points to make. I've taken your survey anyway.

Also note, this could be on purpose but, the "Are you interested in purchasing a box like this?" only has "Yes" options.
While I don't wish to discourage you if you truly want to produce this; there are a great many of products that exist in this realm; as my single amazon search shows.

Why do I mention this? Well, aside from understanding you have a lot of competition in this realm already, it's worth looking at their products since they are already market-tested. The evolution that occurs when people market products naturally trims out the weaker product lines; so seeing what survived and then seeing if you can improve upon it is a good strategy.

Personally when I need to move/store them I tend to cut up foam and tightly fit things into plastic bins. When I have them around the house I have them on shelves for easy access when not in storage.

BlarkNipnar wrote:

EDIT: I goofed. I thought "pawns" was another word for models. I'd mention that a similar product could be card-boxes, but I think I no longer have relevant points to make. I've taken your survey anyway.

Also note, this could be on purpose but, the "Are you interested in purchasing a box like this?" only has "Yes" options.
While I don't wish to discourage you if you truly want to produce this; there are a great many of products that exist in this realm; as my single amazon search shows.

Why do I mention this? Well, aside from understanding you have a lot of competition in this realm already, it's worth looking at their products since they are already market-tested. The evolution that occurs when people market products naturally trims out the weaker product lines; so seeing what survived and then seeing if you can improve upon it is a good strategy.

Personally when I need to move/store them I tend to cut up foam and tightly fit things into plastic bins. When I have them around the house I have them on shelves for easy access when not in storage.

Thanks for taking the servey I will take a look at that question.

It was a typo. Now it's fixed.

Filled out. Good luck!

blahpers wrote:
Filled out. Good luck!

thank you :)

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