3.5 Paladins of The Remaining Alignments


Can anyone point me to the issue that has that article? I had every 3.x issue of Dragon up until I moved the last time and they have been lost.

Thanks in advance.


DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Can anyone point me to the issue that has that article? I had every 3.x issue of Dragon up until I moved the last time and they have been lost.

Thanks in advance.


I'll work on this tonight.

Freehold DM wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Can anyone point me to the issue that has that article? I had every 3.x issue of Dragon up until I moved the last time and they have been lost.

Thanks in advance.


I'll work on this tonight.

No worries. Someone told me it was issue #310. If I plan to use any of those they're going to take a ton of work as they are mostly dead levels.

Found issue #106, the one with the article, "A Plethora of Paladins". Way back when I first began playing I used the Lawful Evil Illrigger as a recurring, powerful villain. It shouldn't be too hard to convert to PF so after I finish the adventure for next weekend I might start work on that.

Thanks, everyone!

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Found issue #106, the one with the article, "A Plethora of Paladins". Way back when I first began playing I used the Lawful Evil Illrigger as a recurring, powerful villain. It shouldn't be too hard to convert to PF so after I finish the adventure for next weekend I might start work on that.

Thanks, everyone!

okay cool.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Dragon #106 would have been 1st or 2nd edition, I think.

Unearthed Arcana for D&D 3.5 had paladin variants for CG, CE, and LE alignments only.

It is Dragon magazine #310, page 46. Champions of the Divine lists Paladins for NG (sentinel), CG (avenger), LN (enforcer), Incarnate (Neutral), & Anarch (CN). They list the "Paladin" as the LG version.

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