Does the accelerated starknife really have a 30 range or is it a typo

Rules Questions

11 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

starknife levels and ranges; 1st 20ft, 8th 50ft, 12th 30ft, 16th 50ft 19th 80ft.......wouldn't 20-50-50-50-80 be more likely? ...any ruling on this?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

No. There is no ruling indicating that the published stats of that weapon are not correct.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

FAQ'd as that does seem a mite odd.

What got me thinking on this one is I can't seem to find any other weapon group that ever has a drop in range.

Are there any other parts of the entry that could explain the drop? Perhaps bulk?

That is most likely a typo. Here's some additional information which supports the presumption.

"Starknife (Accelerated, Dimensional Slice, Lightspeed,
Sintered, Tactical)

Four tapered metal blades surround the central ring of a starknife, which can be thrown or used to stab opponents.
Accelerated and lightspeed starknives have gas-powered jets that fire when the starknife is wielded. Solid auras surround the blades of a dimensional slice starknife, which are manufactured with cutting-edge metallurgic techniques.
In a sintered starknife, the metal blades are replaced with compressed ceramic blades."

When you add gas-powered jets to a starknife (in this case I believe the one you are asking about is the accelerated) it doesn't really make sense that it would have less range than the other knife which gets the same gas-powered jets.

I think this is a similar typo to the Paragon Dart Cannon having a listed range of 1500 Feet.

yea, I noticed that one too...pretty sure on that one being 150 ....dart cannons and energetic fusion are a fun combo....add in seeking and you got one of those guns from Halo

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