wordelo |
for my tiger weretouched shifter.
My internet-fu is failing me. I've seen a lot of good pics but none of them are quite right.
I am not looking for a simple weretiger
I am looking for a man with slight tiger features. flat wide nose, maybe cat eyes and orange or blonde hair with black stripes, slightly pointed ears, big clawed hands, no weapons, no armor, no tats.
honorable mentions I've seen...
This guy is pretty much what I am looking for IF I was looking for a man with lion features (and no weapons, or tats)
If anyone is good with photoshop they could edit this guy to be more tiger like and delete the weapons and tats
This guy fits the claws and cat eyes but he looks too emo, or crazy, or vampire-like. the blood is a nice touch but he looks nothing like a tiger.
If anyone can link me a picture with these specifics it would be much appreciated.

Trekkie90909 |

wordelo |
I did look into thundercats but didn't dive too deep into it all the pics seemed too cartoony, lion like, or too much animal. dude needs to look human not like a catfolk.
I did a search for tigra and that returned a, ahem, very female tigress. then I redid a search for thundercats and found a guy with tiger features by the name of TYgra.
did a search for tygra returned a few good ones...
This one is pretty good but it looks like he has make-up on. but the hair and eyes are great. I can crop out the thundercats logo can't make it look too obvious.
This one is too much tiger and he has a weapon.