TwoWolves |

I recieved an email stating that I have a $15 credit, but when I placed the above order at no time did it have anywhere for me to USE this credit. The order has been moved to my sidecart to be shipped with my next subscription, but if I cannot get the $15 credit applied to this order I'd rather cancel the order entirely.
Thank you

Sam Phelan Customer Service Representative |

Hello TwoWolves,
It is the fact that the order was moved into the sidecart that prevented the application of the store credit at the time you placed the order. Because this item will generate with your subscription items, the $15 store credit won't try to apply until the item has been generated into an active order.
Luckily, you already have the option for, "Use store credit for subscriptions" option turned on! This means that when a subscription order generates, it will look to see if there is any store credit to apply, and will use as much as it can before charging the rest to your payment method.
You should be all set. When your next subscription order generates, please let us know if you notice anything that needs to be adjusted. Thank you!