Interplanar communication - the succubus switchboard?


After concluding an adventure and becoming filthy rich, my old tiefling bloatmage character retired to live a lazy life of luxury. Now I want to send his imp familiar on adventures on his behalf.

Taking cues from the Stay-at-home Wizard thread, I'm looking for methods to use the Glove of Familiar's Touch across planar boundaries. Since a wizard can cast spells "with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself" via Share Spells, that opens up all the wizard's personal and melee touch spells for use by the familiar... if only the wizard knows when to cast them. To be useful in combat, the cues have to be pretty much instantaneous.

Most telepathic communication options I've found are limited to working on the same plane. Reading another thread on the Succubus' profane gift ability, I noticed that it includes an unlimited range telepathy option, so a Planar Binding might solve the issue... except the gifts can only be bestowed on humanoids.

Is there a way to make an outsider (an imp in particular) count as having the humanoid type? Is there another way to enable interplanar telepathy?

As a tangent question: If a wizard uses Planar Binding and targets his own familiar, does the familiar then necessarily count as having its master's HD, or does it allow for using the familiar's actual HD for a summoning (to exchange items and report in person every now and then)?

Planar Binding is a very poorly defined spell, but I would not allow it to be used on a familiar. (If you google "DMDM's Guide to Planar Binding", you can get several thousand words of opinion and advice on this sort of thing.)

You could use Planar Binding to call up the succubus, and set her to the job of working as your switchboard. Of course, using a chaotic evil demon to relay instructions and information may lead to some fun complications, but I believe this would be formally legal under RAW.

Doug M.

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