Shahnaz |
Hey all, I have 2 players that want to make a Dragonkin-Dragonrider duo, and I was wondering how it worked. The rules on riding doesn't seem to tell how flying and the Dragonkin is affected by having a rider on him. So here are a few questions:
-How is the Dragonkin affected by having a mount? Does he lose AC, Reflex or anything at all?
-Can he still fly with Average mobility as if he had nothing on his back?
-How is the Rider affected? AC, Ref, Spell, etc. How can he make a charge attack (with a Pike for example) if the only way to move is when the DKin moves?
-Are attack of opportunities calculated the same way? One for the DKin and one for the Rider?
-I imagine everything AoE hit both regardless? What I mean by that is if my AoE hits only one square where the DKin is, it still hits the rider.
Their idea was to ride around casting spells, while the Dragon hits people from above with his 15ft reach.
HammerJack |
Honestly, if you want to handle that scenario in a way that your players won't hate, you need a Homebrew answer, not a Rules Questions answer.
The dragonkin takes encumbered or overburdened penalties if the bulk of the rider is more than he can carry. At 1 bulk per 10lbs of rider, and all the rider's gear, the dragonkin is probably overburdened.
No rules I have seen modify AC and reflex for the rider. He won't be making charge attacks without a houserule solution, though he could ready to attack when he comes in reach.
Both should provoke attacks of opportunity.
AoE would absolutely hit both. There is no reason it wouldn't.
But basically, there aren't rules to actually support this. There are barely mounted combat rules at all, before introducing a mount that is a character, so you'll need to improvise.
Shahnaz |
But basically, there aren't rules to actually support this. There are barely mounted combat rules at all, before introducing a mount that is a character, so you'll need to improvise.
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I'm not that good in creating fair homerules in that regard.
I'll go to homebrew next and see what I can do. Thanks.
Ravingdork |
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There's no way a body is 15 to 20 bulk. There's no way every firefighter who's rescued someone has at least 20 Strength.
Those 1 bulk to 10 pound rules are merely guidelines, and aren't going to hold up well in many instances.
You just gotta wing it sometimes.
Metaphysician |
Yeah, people need to remember that the "1 bulk per 10 pounds" is a sidebar for a *reason*: its a quick and dirty shorthand for if you need to figure out the encumbrance of a random *item*. Its not really meant to apply beyond that, and even for carryable/equippable items its often going to be inaccurate.
Zaradanth |
My wife and I just started playing a dragon-bonded pair, so it would be nice to know if actually riding the dragonkin is viable. After all, Triaxus has a long and glorious history of dragonkin carrying their partners into battle!
Creature companions in Starfinder do a certain amount of hand-waving to allow riding mounts to work. IIRC, they are assumed to be able to carry a smaller-sized rider, and are only encumbered if you are. But those rules don't really work if both the riding and ridden characters are PCs.
I wish they'd had the idea to assign Bulk based on a creature's size category in Starfinder, rather than waiting until PF2 to provide a rule for it. (Ah, well, hopefully that means we'll have an answer for SF2?)