Let's build NPC for everyone to use!


As a master I'm always looking for new complex NPCs to introduce in my campaign. While I like making them up myself, it takes a lot of time to properly make a character that feels real (not just the random merchant with no name).

While game like Pathfinder offer a lot of pre-generated complex NPCs, Starfinder doesn't have that yet. You have some tools to help you build them, but you can't just grab one at the ready.

So this is what I thought: wouldn't it be nice if we made a thread where everyone contributes by making some NPCs?

Anything works, even home-brew abilities or races (as long as you write it's HB).

If you guys are interested, let me know and we'll start making them up! Or be the first to post one :)

The Character Concept Generator from sfrpgtools might be useful: https://www.sfrpgtools.com/character-concept-generator

And Ravingdork has a bunch of characters ready to go at the Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium (Starfinder Edition) thread.

Starfinder Superscriber

Ravingdork's characters are pretty sweet I have to say too!

I'd like to see some characters with class grafts :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for the kind words guys!

I would be VERY interested in seeing someone try to convert my gallery of misfit characters into NPC statblocks using the NPC creation rules. That might get this thread off to a good start.

I have a couple antagonist NPCs for campaign baddies if that counts. I'll put them when I get home if so.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Ragi wrote:
The Character Concept Generator from sfrpgtools might be useful: https://www.sfrpgtools.com/character-concept-generator

holy shite.

just did this... and look what I got:
An old kalo solarian, who lost their family in a dragon attack and comes from the endless fields of a farming moon. They are loyal and brave, and have found work as an artist.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Kalo
Class: Solarian
Theme: Scholar
Profession: Artist
How frigging cool is that? I could play with that dude all day. In fact... I will play with him all day as soon as I need a new character.

Here's a couple ideas I have floating around:

Ankhalai, Pike Mistress of Blades (CR 16 Soldier/Hellknight):

LG Human CR 16 Soldier(blitz)/Hellknight
Init +9; Perception +29
Defense: EAC 30; KAC 32; Fort +20; Ref +16; Will +16; HP 300; RP 6; DR 2/-;
Defensive abilities: Keep Fighting
Offense: Speed 35; Space 5ft; Reach 5ft; (10ft with Pike Mastery)
Melee: Nemesis +30: (Punishing, Cruel, Cold Iron Meteoric Hammer 11d6B+26)
Ranged: VitariTech Elite Magnetar Rifle+27 6d8P+16 or Mk4 Microbot Grenade +27 or Mk 5 Summoning grenade (Devil) +27
Offensive Abilities: Charge Attack, Perfect Opportunity, Soldier’s Onslaught, Challenge, In Hell’s Name (DC 22)
Statistics: Str +10, Dex +5, Con +7, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +3
Skills: Athletics +29, Diplomacy +29, Intimidate +34, Sense Motive +29
Languages: Common, Infernal
Gear: Adamantine Night Plate 3 (haste circuit, microspur spray, red forcefield [35hp]), Nemesis, VitariTech Elite Magnetar Rifle, 120 longarm rounds, 2 microbot grenades mk4, 2 summoning grenades mk5
[Homebrew] Kuthite Snare Cloak (magic item): A series of animate spurred chains draped about one’s shoulders. When an enemy attempts a melee attack, they must succeed at a reflex save or gain the entangled condition. An entangled creature cannot move further away from you, and you must make a reposition maneuver if your movement takes you out of the creature’s reach. If they are still entangled at the start of their next turn, they may attempt an acrobatics or strength check to escape. On failure, they become grappled, and take piercing damage until they are freed. There are enough chains to entangle 1 Large creature, 2 medium creatures, or 4 small creatures.

Karantor, Draconic Priest of Abadar, and Preita Regional manager:

LG Huge Mature Gold Dragon Mystic
Init +1; Perception +28; darkvision 120ft, low-light vision
Aura: Frightful Presence (220ft, DC 24)
Defense: EAC 29; KAC 30; Fort +16; Ref +16; Will +21; HP 255; DR 20/magic, SR 27, immunity to fire, paralysis and sleep;
Offense: Speed 40, Fly 180; Space 15ft; Reach 10ft; (15ft with bite)
Melee: Bite+27 6d8P+26 plus swallow whole Multiattack: Bite+23 6d8+26P plus swallow whole, 2 claws +21 4d8+26S, tail+19 3d8+26B
Offensive Abilities: Breath Weapon (60ft cone, 17d10F, DC 24)
Spell-Like abilities: 1/day (DC 28): Dictum, Firestorm; 3/day(DC 25): waves of fatigue, Call cosmos, Mass mystic cure, Greater remove condition; At will(DC24): Fear, Enervation
Mystic spells: 6th (3/day, DC26) mass suggestion, regenerate, 5th(6/day, DC25) dominate person, contact other plane, break enchantment, resistant aegis, 4th (at will, DC 24) Confusion, Mystic Cure
Other abilities: Overlord Connection: Inexplicable Commands, Greater Forced Amity, Echoes of Obedience, Jealous Overlord, Forceful Commands Divine Blessing: Abadar, Change Shape
Statistics: Str +10, Dex +1, Con +5, Int +5, Wis +7, Cha +7
Skills: Acrobatics +33, Diplomacy +33, Mysticism +28
Languages: Common, Infernal

Liberty's Edge

If you don't mind tossing characters that could be played by a player at your group I have a file that you might be interested in.

Dossiers - Playable Characters - Volume #1

The above linked file currently stands at 93 player character usable creations. Volume 1 will close when it reaches a count of 100, and then Volume 2 will be started. However, if that is not what you want then I suggest checking out the alien archive chapter of the file below. In either case I hope you enjoy what I have created.

Promethean Shipyards

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very cool!

Liberty's Edge

Valkyn Highwind wrote:
Dossiers - Playable Characters - Volume #1

Dossiers - Playable Characters - Volume #1

Dossiers - Playable Characters - Volume #1 is a collection of 100 characters that are for use by players within the Starfinder RPG. The characters are spread across all twenty levels of play.

Character count by 5 level brackets: 1st to 5th level (30); 6th to 10th level (36); 11th to 15th level (25); and 16th to 20th level (9).

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