Stacking Wisp Ally

Rules Questions

Hi all,

I tried searching both on forums and on Reddit but I couldn't find an answer. I played a scenario where there were two mystics. We both had Wisp Ally, my question is, can we stack Wisp Ally? We didn't want to be jerks so we had our Wisp Allies do different effects (Harrying and cover). But could we have done a double harrying effect?

I know that in general item effects don't stack but how about spells?


Grand Lodge

A Wisp Ally provides either covering fire or harrying fire, which are circumstance bonuses. Can circumstance bonuses stack in Starfinder and in this case, do two attackers using covering/harrying fire count as from the same source? I don't think it matters that they are from spell effects, as the same question could come up due to characters or NPCs using those actions, or in combination.

Dark Archive

Circumstance bonuses can stack if they are from different circumstances. More importantly, Covering Fire and Harrying Fire apply to different things - the former increases an ally's AC relative to an enemy, while the latter increases an ally's attack bonus relative to an enemy. So two wisps can provide both of these bonuses, just like two allies could.

Harrying fire (or covering fire) would be the same source, so two wisp allies attempting to both provide harrying fire (or covering fire) would only give a +2 bonus and it wouldn't stack to a +4 or greater.

Harrying fire (or covering fire) is the type of bonus, not the source of the bonus. The source is the Wisp Ally, so you have two different sources. It is just like if you had four players, with three of them targeting a single enemy with covering fire via overlapping lines of effect for the fourth player. Each instance of covering fire would provide an additional bonus to AC for the fourth player.

No it's not.

If you had 3 players attempting to use covering fire on 1 target they only get a +2. Covering fire is a source. Creatures aren't sources for bonus types.

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