Core rule book weight

Product Discussion

This may seem like a silly question but how much does the core rule book weigh (the hardcover, not the pocket edition)? I would weigh my own book but I don't have access to it at the moment and won't for another week or so but I need the answer within the next couple days.

Amazon reports the "shipping weight" for everything it sells, it lists the current core rulebook as 4.1 pounds.

That may include packaging, it isn't clear to me how it is computed for books. But 4 pounds should be pretty close.

Mine weighs 63.4 oz, or 3.96 pounds.

Thanks for the replies. I'm looking to buy a hard case to hold most of my pathfinder books but the handle on the case can only support so much weight before being at risk of breaking. Now I have a good idea of what I should purchase, thanks.

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