order 5113029

Customer Service


i am once again looking at this, and finding the card game subscription which i thought i had canceled on there. waiting to fix the payment until this is sorted out hasn't worked yet, is there anything else i need to do.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

Your card game subscription is indeed canceled. It appears that there was once card game items in this order, but they were canceled when the subscription was canceled. I have sent you an updated confirmation email which will list the card game items as cancelled items. Any items listed under "Other Items" will not be shipped out to you because they were successfully canceled. You will only receive the items under "Shipments."

Please let me know when you have updated your payment method to reprocess the order. Thank you!


updated the information, though if thats the case it seems my adventure paths are listed as canceled too when the only thing i wanted removed was the cards. so those need to be reactivated then?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

It appears that the Adventure Path Volumes were canceled because they were in a pending status when your Adventure Path subscription was canceled. It is no problem for me to reinstate these issues.

I have added the Adventure Paths back to active items to be shipped out to you and sent you a new confirmation email for you to review.

This order is now ready to be shipped out. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!


thanks! ship it when ready. Thank you for fixing the adventure path subscription, more than anything thats the one we look forward too the most.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

I wanted to be clear that I am unable to reinstate the subscription from my side, but I was able to un-cancel the items from your previous subscription which were canceled. If you would like to continue receiving Adventure Paths, you will have to restart the subscription from your end.


ok, i went back through and reordered the subscription, hopefully that should have me resubscribed without an issue? Really don't want to miss these.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

I confirmed that you are successfully resubscribed and you should resume receiving all of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths monthly. The reinstated items from the other order will ensure that you have not missed any issues as well.


ok back to checking on this now, since it has been pending for around 18 days now, And now there seems to be a new problem, as im seeing order Order 4756374 which had been pending but was sorted out after removal of card game stuff is now canceled...

Is something still going on, and when can i expect things? we really want to start Dead suns soon, but i don't want to start until books 5-6 arrive.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

The order you are referring to tried to ship a few times, but the payment method attached to the order was being declined. Because this was never addressed, our system canceled the outstanding order.

We can absolutely reinstate this order, but we do need to resolve the payment method issue in order for the items to be shipped out. Please take a look at your payment methods and let me know if I can help you make any adjustments.

Thank you!


the payment method for subscriptions should be fine to handle it currently? Once the card game items are removed anyways. And is everything ok with the first order?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Mark,

Thank you for confirming this for me. I have moved all pending subscription items into a single order and due to the delay and difficulties you have experienced, I have waived the shipping costs for this package. I have ensured that the payment method for the order has gone through and I will ensure that this order goes down to the warehouse promptly to be shipped out.

You should soon receive an updated confirmation email providing you all of the items we will be shipping to you in one order. Please give this confirmation email a look and let me know if any adjustments need to be made.

Thank you for your patience while we have figured this out. If you encounter anything else unusual, please let us know. Thank you!


Thank you very much! Looks good to me and i look forward to it shipping! Thank you for working it out for me.

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