Mechanic Overcharge on a Melee Weapon

Rules Questions

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So, quick question in regards to the Mechanic's Overcharge ability. When using it, it notes that

This attack uses three times as many charges from the battery or power cell as normal

However, the Powered Melee Weapon property notes that

Unlike with a ranged weapon, the usage is for 1 minute of operation rather than per attack, though using a powered weapon for less than 1 full minute still expends 1 full usage.

So, how do these two actually go together? Does using Overcharge just increase the consumption on the powered melee weapon for the minute while giving you the boost for the one attack? Do you get the boost for the full minute? Is it a 1-time cost at point of casting?

I'm guessing it is the later, but if there is errata indicating otherwise, that'd be great.

The most logical way to handle it is this:

Pay charges to activate the weapon for 1 minute (60 seconds, or 10 rounds).

Overcharge a melee attack on the first round (1st of 10 rounds), using three times as much energy, effectively using 3 of the 10 rounds worth of charge.

In the second round the PC attacks normally without overcharging, and at the end of the round, 4 out of the 10 rounds worth of the initial charge have been used.

In the third round, the PC Overcharges again, and by the end of the third round, 7 out of the 10 rounds worth of this activation have been used.

This does make overcharging melee very efficient, since you spend the charge for activation anyway but most combats only last 4-5 rounds... but the drawback is that you... have to be a mechanic in melee.

The Exchange

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Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Yeah, I run it and rule it the way Draomicron states. Melee weapons are already more efficient per charge just by using only one per 10 rounds.

That makes sense, and keeps things nicely balanced. Thanks!

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