ohako |
Hi folks. A few weeks ago I solicited some ideas for a 'Shelyn team' of agents/adventurers/whatever, mostly because I had two great ideas for Shelynites, and I wanted some more. So...here's a team of PFS-legit characters who are all into Shelyn in various ways (presented in the order I thought them up). I'm just doing feat (and other big choices) lists, the rest is not as important. Please let me know what you think.
wayfarer human bard 11
H: Weapon Finesse
1: Diva Style
2: Versatile Performance: keyboard
3: Lingering Song
5: Combat Expertise
6: Versatile Performance: song
7: Improved Feint
9: Diva Strike
10: Versatile Performance: dance
11: Diva Advance
The obvious first choice for a Shelynite, someone who uses music and magic in battle. I liked the idea of 'bard martial arts' (the Diva Style line), and the rest of it came together. For spells I have a mix of pregen spells, spells from the exalted boon of Shelyn (even though he doesn't have the feat), and the bardic performances from the Blood of Angels book, replacing their slots a few levels later with the human bard FCB. The versatile performance choices are good because they don't overlap their skills, allow for those special performances, and let you go into a fight with Master Vidlian's squeeze-box, if you so choose.
I designed him as a guy, because I was kind of in a rut designing low Strength, high Charisma women. So, let's flip the script on the other teammates too.
ancestral arms half-elf swashbuckler 5/devoted muse 6
AA: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata)
S1: Weapon Finesse
1: Weapon Focus (falcata)
3: Slashing Grace (falcata)
S4: Combat Expertise
S5: Improved Critical
5: Improved Feint
7: Blind-Fight
DM3: Greater Feint
9: Moonlight Stalker
DM6: Skill Focus (Bluff)
11: Moonlight Stalker Feint
The devoted muse prestige class presumes that you're using a glaive in combat with Bladed Brush. That feat is a little weird, so I went with falcata instead, because it has a better crit range. Moonlight Stalker has a crazy-fun strategy with the distracted flourish, and at 11th level, you might be able to take the bard's job with an inspirational strike.
Of the three races (human, half-elf, tengu) that can cadge EWP (falcata) for free, only the half-elf can get a racial Charisma bonus and doesn't need to take two alternate racial traits. Think of this guy like Lotor from Voltron if he wasn't evil.
fleet of foot halfing Magaambyan initiate arcanist 11
1: Spell Focus (conjuration)
3: Augment Summoning
3: Arcanist Exploit: School Understanding (conjuration)
A5: Spell Mastery
5: Summon Good Monster
7: Sacred Summons
7: Arcanist Exploit: Acid Jet
9: Moonlight Summons
11: Starlight Summons
11: Arcanist Exploit: Dimensional Slide
Think of a little girl with a magic paintbrush, who ends up painting tons of animals and things, and at the end she paints a giant dragon and flies away into the sunset. That's this!
I picked Magaambyan initiate because a) they have an aura (for Sacred Summons) and b) they can grab a single summon nature's ally for the *light Summons feats. Do you think that feats designed to make cleric conjurers and druid conjurers better would be good on an arcane chassis? I think so!
I don't know how to squeeze one more feat out of these levels (without being a human) for Superior Summoning, but that's the only missing piece I think. The exploits I chose to look mostly like the conjuration wizard school, but are otherwise unoptimized. Maybe all that acid is like primordial magic paint?
sacred tattoo half-orc paladin of Shelyn w/oath against grotesquery 5/sentinel of Shelyn 6
1: Weapon Focus (glaive)
3: Power Attack
3: Paladin Mercy: shaken
5: Deific Obedience (Shelyn)
7: Combat Reflexes
S2: Combat Expertise
9: Improved Trip
11: Greater Trip
A paladin of the deity of beauty being a non-traditionally pretty armored half-orc lady? Sign me up! I went with a tripping build here because the oath against grotesquery might preclude harming intelligent creatures with lethal damage. A merciful glaive might be a good investment. The other fun thing is Glorious Might, the 'cap' divine boon for sentinels of Shelyn: double your Charisma to attack with a smite. Would you care to turn on Power Attack and Combat Expertise both at the same time? Sounds great! The only downside is missing that last paladin level, because paladins get some nice bennies on even levels. Maybe feat 13 would be Felling Smash, which I never thought I'd say.
Maybe a 'bladed brush' can be a glaive wielder that paints giant murals with it, using the blade like Bob Ross used an art knife. Then I realized that fame in Pathfinder affects crafting time. Weird.
I'm not much for playing lots and lots of Pathfinder, so right now I've gotten Mr. Bard up there up to level 2 in PFS. I just figured I'd share what I thought of.