Let's talk about Conrasu art.

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

First, which Paizo artist did the Conrasu images? Assuming you read the boards, what was your conceptualization process like, and would you be willing to share a bit about your aesthetic inspirations for the Conrasu? Any chance of seeing some official Conrasu action poses, even if they were just some early doodles?

Second, what are you other players doing for Conrasu character art? There are only a few official images of Conrasu out there right now. This is a pretty original design and it's hard to find something non-commission for casual character avatar/token/visualization use that's close enough to a Conrasu while maintaining their core themes. Have you found any fantasy art sites with similar visuals, or keywords for image searches that get closer results than "wood golem/mecha"?

Conrasu are a pretty atypical to begin with, but what are your most outside-the-box ideas for your Conrasu character's body geometry/style?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Currently I am visualizing one somewhere between a caltrop and a daddy long legs. When it's current limbs petrkfy, it simply grows them out of another side of their body and reorients. Ask such it has spindly legs sticking out in every direction.

The thing I have more trouble picturing is a conrasu in motion. We are gonna have a conrasu ranger and I'm not sure it is supposed to swing w great sword. It would be nice to get input on their inspiration, so maybe we could clips on YouTube of said inspiration in motion.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, I was thinking about non-humanoid forms and visualized one with the orb and a wooden retainer dangling from a vine like a pendulum with a large wooden "spine" holding it over the locomotive/manipulator section. Kind of like a Necron Destroyer, but with the dangling orb instead of a torso, and the arms surrounding the rim of the lower section.

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