Early Modules: Worth switching up classes?


Hey all

I’m currently running Hollow’s Last Hope, with the intention of going through all the Darkmoon Vale modules.

I’m looking at one of the potential villains, Payden “Payday” Teedum, the Top Thug for the local lumber barren. As written, he’s a 3.5 Monk 2/Fighter 4, so I’d need to update him to PF anyway, and probably Unchained Monk. I’m wondering if it’d be better to just make him a straight Brawler. Are these kinds of changes worth making?

Also, what would be the differences between a Monk 2/Fighter 4 and a Brawler 6?

Thanks x

I think the article on Falcon's Hollow from Towns of the Inner Sea has updated stat blocks for the main NPCs. As I recall, they're all quite a bit higher level than in the 3.5 Darkmoon Vale modules, but perhaps you could use them as inspiration, and delevel them to suit your group?

I've been running the Darkmoon Vale modules (of which Hollow's Last Hope is the first), with some significant modifications, and one of the things I've been doing is reclassing a number of the bosses and NPCs. I did exacty what you suggest with Teedum - my first pass was a fairly stright transfer, ending up with him hitting significantly harder than the module stats, but having lower saves and AC, which seems reasonable to me. The party hasn't gotten in a fight with him yet, though, so I haven't fully settled on his final setup. I also reclassed Merlokrep and Jekkajak from Crown of the Kobold King, which is what the party is running now; I made Jekkajak a witch, which I'm really liking as an encounter mechanic. I made Merlokrep an Undead Lord Cleric/Bloodrager, which is a bit idiosyncratic to how I changed the module and may not be as useful to others.

The Towns of the Inner Sea has some good info - thanks for that recommendation! Much like the Darkmoon Vale campaign setting stats, though, the stats for Vamros Harg don't make much sense; making Harg a NE 5th level sorcerer isn't really consistent with any of the descriptions given for him. I like the full stats for Kreed, though!

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