blackcat |

Hi Guys,
I have just recieved an email from customer.service@paizo.com with the subject heading:
Verify your updated privacy settings for your paizo.com Account
Then it has the following message (I have removed a large part of the link in case it is real):
Please use the following URL to verify your updated privacy settings:
https://secure.paizo.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/DirectAction/verif icationEmail?..........
Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service
Just checking this is actually from you for me to action. It looks almost identical to several other scams/phishing emails I recieve on a regular basis at my workplace.

David knott 242 |

The link appears to be legitimate, but best practice would be to instead go to the following:
My Account --> Account Settings --> Privacy Settings
and check the settings there directly.
Once you do that, keep an eye out for the confirmation e-mail -- according to this thread, the settings won't "take" until you receive and respond to that e-mail.

Diego Valdez Customer Service Representative |

Hello Everyone,
We did send out an email that reads,
"Please use the following URL to verify your updated privacy settings:
Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service
We have discovered though that in some cases the email provider may break up the link because it is too long. So clicking it may not work. You can do what David mentioned above. Copying and pasting the 2 parts of the link together should work as well.