Pirate Modules and Scenarios?

Pathfinder Society


I know that Skull and Shackles and the Module Pluder and Peril both are pirate themed, and have a special "notoriety" aka pirate-ness boon reward.

I'm going to piece together a pirate themed campaign, running both of those and mixing in pirate themed scenarios as well.

I'm wondering if any experienced GMs out there know of any other modules with the notoriety reward system that would be appropriate to use? Or was this only on that one AP and one Module?

4/5 **

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To my knowledge, those are the only instances of notoriety/infamy, but I'd be eager to be corrected.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Not pirate-themed, but maybe Hell's Rebels for the purposes of infamy ?


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I had put together something similar a few years ago that I had in a file called "the infamy campaign" with characters going from 2nd to 14th L.

If I were to do it now, I'd probably also mix in some of the Seven Fingers' tomb scenarios as well.

Infamy Campaign Progression:

lvl start - lvl end
2nd - 3rd: Skull and Shackles: The Wormwood Mutiny
3rd - 4th: Plunder & Peril: Rum Punch
4th - 5th: Plunder & Peril: Dark Waters
5th - 6th: Serpent's Skull: Racing to Ruin
6th - 7th: Skull and Shackles: Raiders of the Fever Sea
7th - 8th: Plunder & Peril: Black Coral Cove
8th - 9th: Plunder & Peril: Bonus Chronicle
9th - 10th: Skull and Shackles: Tempest Rising
10th - 11th: Serpent's Skull: City of Seven Spears
11th - 12th: Skull and Shackles: The Island of Empty Eyes
12th - 13th: Skull and Shackles: The Price of Infamy
13th - 14th: Skull and Shackles: From Hell's Heart


That's similar to what I'm trying to do. I worked out one mega campaign that is going to string all 6 parts of Mummy's Mask, Rise of te Runelords and Jade Regent since this was the only combination I could find on sanctioned APs to get all 18 without any slow credit or gaps, but then I was looking at the sanctioned modules and the all piracy campaign seemed very appealing as well.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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It hasn't been updated since 2015, but perhaps this might be of interest to ye.

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