Season of the Goblins 2

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

(I was told this was a better place to post this question, so here goes.) Having picked up Skull & Shackles during the latest sale, I was wondering if there are plans for a “Season of the Goblins 2” using the Skull & Shackles base set? I was excited to play SotG, but realized you needed RotR for that. RotR is tricky to come by these days, and I wouldn’t mind some swashbuckling fun with goblins!

Not likely, but I wonder if it would be easy to play Season of goblins and just replase Runelords locations with similar Shakles locations. The story would not make Sense though.
And who knows if the season of Goblins 3 will have different envinronment.

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I doubt there will be an official organized play Season of the Pirate Goblins. HOWEVER, David and I are going to be debuting our Greenskins of the Shackles adventure path at PaizoCon this year, and we're fully planning to make it freely available to the public after we get the kinks ironed out. I'm hoping over the summer we'll be able to post it for general consumption. So, stay tuned! :-D

Tyler Beck wrote:
I doubt there will be an official organized play Season of the Pirate Goblins. HOWEVER, David and I are going to be debuting our Greenskins of the Shackles adventure path at PaizoCon this year, and we're fully planning to make it freely available to the public after we get the kinks ironed out. I'm hoping over the summer we'll be able to post it for general consumption. So, stay tuned! :-D

That sounds great! I look forward to it!

Grand Lodge

btw, even though it's assumed, it is based on the Skull & Shackles base set. It is 3 adventures.

Tyler Beck wrote:
I doubt there will be an official organized play Season of the Pirate Goblins. HOWEVER, David and I are going to be debuting our Greenskins of the Shackles adventure path at PaizoCon this year, and we're fully planning to make it freely available to the public after we get the kinks ironed out. I'm hoping over the summer we'll be able to post it for general consumption. So, stay tuned! :-D

I played this at Paizocon! Highly recommended. Some great twists to the later scenarios. Very goblin feel :-)

This is great to hear!

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