Vermin Shape 3 and 4

Homebrew and House Rules

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I'm doing some things that would be much aided by more standardized polymorph spells, so I worked on filling out Vermin Shape to the same set of levels as Beast Shape. I continued to add 30' to the movements and special senses, and added primarily form-based abilities, as well as pounce at 3 (Beast Shape has it at 2) and DR in the same amount Fey Form gets it. New abilities are in asterixes. Natural armour continues the trend of being 1 more than beast shape (when more than 1)

VS 3:

Alchemist 6, Druid 5, Magus 6, Sorc/Wiz/Arc 6, witch 5
As VS 2, granting

burrow 60', climb 60', fly 90' (good), swim 90', darkvision 60, low-light, tremorsense 60', scent, blood drain, constrict, grab, lunge, poison, pull, trample, web, **compression, hold breath, uncanny leap, DR 2, attach, sudden strike, pounce, anchored, sightless, blindsense 30, malleable, strong web, water skating**

Diminutive vermin: +6 Dex, -4 Str, +1 NA

Huge vermin: +6 str, -4 Dex, +7 NA

VS 4:

Druid 6, Sorc/Wiz/Arc 7, Witch 6
As VS 3, granting

+*6* Mind-affecting, burrow 90, climb 90, fly 120 (good), swim 120, tremorsense 90, blindsense 60, scent, blood drain, constrict, grab, lunge, poison, pull, trample, web, compression, hold breath, uncanny leap, DR 5, attach, sudden strike, pounce, anchored, sightless, malleable, strong web, water skating, **extending jaw, sonic burst, rend, all-around vision, ferocity**

Gargantuan vermin: +8 Str, -6 Dex, +9 NA




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