Use Magic Device skill as a Sorcerer

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

Hi everyone.

I have a question about the use magic device skill. My sorcerer (level 10) has picked up a staff of healing for use in emergencies. He can automatically make the DC20 skill check to activate the staff but what caster level do spells from the staff use?

A staff normally used the staff's CL or the wielders caster level, whichever is higher. My sorcerer has no levels in a divine spell casting class.

Are spells cast at the staff's CL (CL 8), my sorcerers level (CL 10) or do I need to use the 'use magic device' skill to 'emulate a class feature' (CL=skill check-20)?

If I use the cure serious wounds spell from the staff to harm undead do I use my sorcerer's charisma or wisdom to calculate saves vs. the staff and what caster level would I use to overcome spell resistance?

Thanks for your help

I just finished reading the rules and they don't provide a clear answer to your questions. I too can't find a good answer.

Windrider99 wrote:

I have a question about the use magic device skill. My sorcerer (level 10) has picked up a staff of healing for use in emergencies. He can automatically make the DC20 skill check to activate the staff but what caster level do spells from the staff use?

How are you doing this?. You can't take 10 with UMD, so there is always a chance of failure.

Windrider99 wrote:

Are spells cast at the staff's CL (CL 8), my sorcerers level (CL 10) or do I need to use the 'use magic device' skill to 'emulate a class feature' (CL=skill check-20)?

I don't think so. If you could emulate caster levels, there would be a chance that you could get a really high caster level. Likewise, there are feats such as skill focus (+3 or +6 to any picked skill) and Magical Aptitude (+2 or +4 to spellcraft and use magic device) that can improve UMD. Such feats and other bonuses could easily be turned from skill bonuses to caster level bonuses.

Windrider99 wrote:

If I use the cure serious wounds spell from the staff to harm undead do I use my sorcerer's charisma or wisdom to calculate saves vs. the staff and what caster level would I use to overcome spell resistance?

By the same logic I used for UMD and caster levels, I say that UMD should not be allowed to affect the DC of the staff.

Staves have their own caster level and DC, so it could be you are only activating the device instead of powering it. I also think that UMD should not make non-casters or casters of different classes better spell casters than those who are qualified spell casters.

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