Accessing Forums from web page

Website Feedback

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Alright, after the initial shock of the web site has died down, and some of the more egregious problems have been fixed...

I find myself still irritated by two things. Both of which are related to going to the forums.

There is no longer a direct link to the main forums from the Campaign page (or any of the profile pages) ...
There used to be a breadcrumb type of entry at the top of the page when looking at those pages, which it turns out, I used to click on *all* the time.... and notice now, that its not longer there.

After some looking about, I see I can get to the forums from there still, but I have to click the Community menu item up top...

An extra click, but I suppose I can learn to live with it (grumpily) ...

But that brings me to item two... please, if it is at all possible, can you make the 'Forums' list item on the 'Community' drop down a clickable link to the base Community/Forums!

I have never, in many years of visiting these forums, had a desire to go to any of the subforums directly. I (and I suspect many others) like to start at the root of those subforums, as many probably follow many of the groups in multiple forums.

Just making that one menu item clickable would help. The menu item header is already there on the Community menu, though not the Forums menu that shows up on other pages (so that might be an additional change)... its just not clickable!

OK, close...

Currently, there's a link to go directly to from some Community top menu items, but not others.

So, you can click on Community..Forums when looking at posts in the play-by-post/recruitment/discussion forums (all of those have a breadcrumb item that you can use as well)...
But you can not from the Community menu item available when looking at your profile page or tabs thereon (Campaign/Aliases/Reviews, et al)

Would be nice if all the Community items allowed you to click the Forum item, not just some of them.

It's the difference the between Community menu items on:
This page (can click on Forums)
This page (can NOT click on Forums)

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