Lanathar |
The guide to this path calls out certain types of characters that are not really in line with the theme for this AP
It focuses on Paladins, nature characters and worshippers of evil / lawful evil deities as having a tough time and not really fitting
But are there any other major character types / sub types that don’t really work?
I ask because I have just had a player want to make an Order of the Cockatrice daring champion. Now this seems to be a purely mechanics choice because i cannot work out how the edict for the order can fit with this campaign. It seem too selfish but perhaps it needs more thought
But I don’t want to be overly and unnecessarily restrictive. It is just typical that a player would reach for a character that could be really awkward but is not specifically called out in the guide...
Latrecis |
(I think) It's important for the GM and Players in this AP to understand how it differs from other AP's - pc motivation and story engagement are critical to overall "success." I'll contrast with Rise of the Runelords - just about any character could join a group seeking to stop the BBEG of that AP. You can be motivated purely by greed (play on words intended) because there is a boatload of treasure to be had. Even evil characters could be motivated to stop the BBEG given eventual success by the BBEG might be very constraining to an evil character.
In HR, it's different, the pc's need some specific motivations to make any sense out of both starting and continuing. Here's a checklist:
Why does your character want to risk his life (and maybe even his immortal soul given the Temple of Asmodeus' power of damnation) for the people of Kintargo?
Why does your character want to directly overthrow a powerful and evil political institution (House Thrune) and a powerful and evil religious institution (Temple of Asmodeus.) Especially when there is tangible evidence the God Asmodeus has directly aligned and supported House Thrune?
And lastly, why should any citizen of Kintargo/Ravounel who wants to do those two things put any trust in your character to be a leader of a clandestine group seeking the same?
If you are an amoral, self-absorbed schmuck there are far better ways to risk your life than by confronting House Thrune. If you're in Kintargo you should head for Varisia where the rule of law is loose and the opportunity for profit is high (just like thousands of other Cheliaxians have done for the past 100 years.)
For the record, being in the Order of the Cockatrice appears predicated on being an amoral, self-absorbed schmuck.
Lanathar |
Get and give more information before making a decision. What's your player's track record when it comes to working with others? Is there anything about the character's history or motivations that might offset whatever is problematic about her build?
I don’t know the history and motivations yet . They didn’t sound thought out. Indeed as mentioned the Cockatrice seemed a purely mechanical choice - reinforced by grumbling from the player about other orders being “rubbish” when I suggested it
As for history the player is generally cooperative but did derail a game when his group wanted to murder Kobold women and children and he disagreed. Argument reoccurred several times in the weeks following. Not sure that was fully his fault as the group was made up of some newer players who were straight up murder hobos and a GM who was keeping a running individual kill count for each player
Quoth13 |
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It sounds like the player is a team player for the most part and not a murder hobo so you could always make a custom order with similar or even the same abilities but change the fluff to make it work better for rollplay purposes. The goal is for everyone to have fun and as the GM you have the power to change things to make them work for the story.