Harrower and learning spells

Rules Questions

The Concordance

Hello All.

So, in reading over the Harrower PrC I noticed how it words spell level increases for the class.

"When a harrower gains a level, she gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of harrower to the level of whatever other spellcasting class she has."

Now I can see a couple different ways of reading this.

Option one: the Harrower just gains the spell slots per-day of the base class. nothing more.

This makes any spontaneous casters very sad pandas. As they will gain spell slots they have no known spells that can use them.

Option 2: As it specifically says "This essentially means that she adds the level of harrower to the level of whatever other spellcasting class she has." I can read that as meaning they gain all spell slots, and spells learned, as though the base class gains a level.

Additional backing of this interpretation, is that the actual table showing what a Harrower gains every level. says "+1 level of spellcasting class" which is fairly identical to how the mystic Theurge PrC words it in their table. However the Theurge specially calls out in its' class abilities that the Theurge gains new spell slots, and spells known, as though they gained a level in the base class/es.

So while it is pretty simple to talk to a GM in a standard game to decide. I am looking for the official PFS decision on this.

Answered in FAQ

The Concordance

Pirate Rob wrote:
Answered in FAQ

Thanks Rob. When I looked through the FAQ, i saw that line referred to Bloodline Spells in its' "tag line." As I was not looking for info on the bloodline spells side, I skipped past it not realizing it elaborated on my very question.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Basically if you have spells in a spell book ( or familiar) you have to buy spells..no bonus ones..

If your a spontaneous caster you gain the number of spells equal to your equivalent spell caster level.

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