Maps for campaign?

Dead Suns

I've been trying to use the flip mats for combat in the Incident at Absalom station but so far none of the products seem to match up to what's available.

Has anyone had any luck getting maps for the Acreon, the PC's starship, and the Drift Rock?

Or am I gonna have to draw it out on the basic metal thing again.

Sunrise Maiden flip map comes out mid May :( Maiden

It says the flip side is the ship in a docking bay, and I'm wondering what that's going to look like (like, will it be a space station, or will it be Drift Rock hangar that you find it in.

I know there are flip mats for the cantina, and ~A~ starship, but it's not the Acreon. For some reason Paizo's new website/store format is really inefficient, and won't show me things that I KNOW exist, or make it difficult to find and navigate. It's kinda pissing me off. Space Station is the flip-mat for the first encounter (the level 94 dock)

I'm thinking about going ahead and hand drawing the Drift rock on graphing paper and coloring it in, etc in preparation, but I'm kinda in the same boat. I wanted to find some high quality clean maps and just blow them up to fit the 1" squares, but that proved... difficult.

I'm really wishing I could find high quality image files that are scaled properly so that when printed, they'll yield the appropriate sized maps perfectly for using. I want to take them to a print shop and get a copy of each of the maps so I can use for my game.

It doesn't help that the few maps that ARE coming to flip mat don't come out for months.

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