Tips for Roleplaying Rebellion Upkeep?

Hell's Rebels

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm coming close to finishing my current campaign with a group of players (we're in Renchurch at the end of Carrion Crown!) and we're going to hop soon after into Hell's Rebels. The players are excited, I'm loving it, everything looks perfect- there's only one small issue I have so far.

How can I bring the Rebellion Upkeep to life?
I know my players will enjoy the mechanical side of managing the rebellion- or at least, one of them will- but I need to figure out how to actually roleplay the different things out- like events, assigning officers, etc. In fact, the less mechanical I can make it, the better. I'd almost prefer to have them individually speak to each team and assign it manually, etc etc. Are there any tips for how this should be achieved? Where would all of this go down? Etc etc

Shadow Lodge

Part of what you're basically asking is whether you should define the bylaws and procedures of the organization the PCs will found before they found it. Don't! Let them do that. If they want to determine for themselves who will be the officers, let them. Maybe have some NPCs chafe under the "dictatorship of the founders" down the line, and demand "internal democracy." If they want to determine the initial officers and set a benchmark for when they'll open up the process (say, when they gain enough supporters to hit Rank 5), let them. Do they restrict decision-making to team members and include supporters in an advisory role? Do they have mass participation somehow? All good questions you should encourage them to answer for themselves. Maybe put something in the translated documents, or have Laria relate her own experiences. Important: Laria's experiences are primarily with clandestine organizations, which will color her views. You can have her be self-aware about this, or not.

As for where, practical considerations will dominate. Obviously mass actions and secret meetings will demand different venues, (though assignment of teams to tasks will usually tend more towards the latter).

Finally, when it comes to playing out the rebellion actions, I agree that they should be as de-abstracted as possible. If your players don't name their team leaders and members, do it, and let them know. Make use of in-between session dossiers if you have to.

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I agree with Zimmerwald1915. Give the control to the group.
If you’re asking for tips regarding how to go about the upkeep phase from a GMs standpoint above and beyond what was stated, I can give you something that I posted elsewhere on the boards. First off, these are my tweaks, they may not work for everyone. My goal in making these changes was to make the Upkeep phase as quick as possible so the group could get back to role playing. (I came from running a Kingmaker game where upkeeps could last a very long time.)

At the (START) of the week:
This will run very much the same.
1.Supporter Attrition
2. Notoriety Maximum
3. Treasury Shortage
4. Increase Rank
5. Deposits and Withdrawals
6. (NEW) Receive all Team Sheets spent in previous week
7. (NEW) Upgrade Teams: see below.

This is rolled in secret and determines the event for the (NEW: upcoming) week. (As the GM, I can describe this Event the moment it happens, over the course of the week, or as a result of the PCs actions.)

(NEW: This phase lasts for the remainder of the week. When the PCs want to activate a team, the players will simply hand the Team Sheet to the GM. At the end of the week, before the Upkeep Phase begins again, any number of Actions that weren't used during the week can be spent on actions that do not require a team.
This allows for the players and their rebellion to respond in real time without having to wait a week to have more Rebellion Actions.
New Action Rules:
Upgrade Team. At the beginning of the week, any team can immediately be turned in to the GM to use the Upgrade Team action.
Lie Low. At the end of the week remaining Actions can be used to Lie Low. For each action spent Lying Low, reduce the Silver Ravens Notoriety Score by 1

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Well, I posted something on this board about how to flavor up events with actual roleplay or combat, with us brainstorming examples, but I'll be damned if I can find it now. I have it on my home hard drive, of course, but that doesn't help you much.

Shadow Lodge

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roguerouge wrote:
Well, I posted something on this board about how to flavor up events with actual roleplay or combat, with us brainstorming examples, but I'll be damned if I can find it now. I have it on my home hard drive, of course, but that doesn't help you much.

Isn't it here?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
roguerouge wrote:
Well, I posted something on this board about how to flavor up events with actual roleplay or combat, with us brainstorming examples, but I'll be damned if I can find it now. I have it on my home hard drive, of course, but that doesn't help you much.
Isn't it here?

Oh, excellent! This could be very useful!!

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