Weaponwand Rifle


Grand Lodge

Say you're going Gunslinger, but you also want to be able to cast spells from your rifle like a Spellslinger without having to put levels into it, so you come up with an odd (and possibly dumb) idea of saving up money for a Weaponwand Wand and some other Wands such as Magic Missile. Now you're also Spell Caster and, with the Empty Quiver Style Feat, a Fighter.

But your coin purse is empty, the wands you have deal less damage than your party's wizard, and your melee damage is sub-optimal.

Besides looking like an idiot, is there anyway to polish this and make it possible to fight with a weaponwand firearm?

You're a gunslinger. You don't need wands that deal damage at all, much less wands that deal damage as effectively as the party wizard. Concentrate on wands that actually help, like a wand of silence for not alerting the whole dungeon or city block when firing, or a wand of glitterdust for revealing invisible targets, or a wand of haste because of course.

Though it's not strictly RAW, our GM let the party musket-toter strap a found rod of wonder to her firearm. That's been fun!

A cheap way to cast small spells with firearm would be mage shots. They make your attacks deal elemental damage with extra effects. So if you keep enough in your pockets, you will have many options. Stagger melee units, electricity. Fighting barbarians, cold. Trolls, acid. Dumb things that can't put out fire, fire. Apply to the right target, it will deal way more damage than you can expect.

Grand Lodge

blahpers wrote:

You're a gunslinger. You don't need wands that deal damage at all, much less wands that deal damage as effectively as the party wizard. Concentrate on wands that actually help, like a wand of silence for not alerting the whole dungeon or city block when firing, or a wand of glitterdust for revealing invisible targets, or a wand of haste because of course.

Though it's not strictly RAW, our GM let the party musket-toter strap a found rod of wonder to her firearm. That's been fun!

DoubleBubble wrote:
A cheap way to cast small spells with firearm would be mage shots. They make your attacks deal elemental damage with extra effects. So if you keep enough in your pockets, you will have many options. Stagger melee units, electricity. Fighting barbarians, cold. Trolls, acid. Dumb things that can't put out fire, fire. Apply to the right target, it will deal way more damage than you can expect.

Thanks, I'll be sure to remember the wands that would help and these mage shots.

The original plan is to make a Whacking Stick, like a club, say its a "practice firearm" and load it with wands, but the Mage Shots should give off roughly the same effect.

Synonym Toast Crunch wrote:
blahpers wrote:

You're a gunslinger. You don't need wands that deal damage at all, much less wands that deal damage as effectively as the party wizard. Concentrate on wands that actually help, like a wand of silence for not alerting the whole dungeon or city block when firing, or a wand of glitterdust for revealing invisible targets, or a wand of haste because of course.

Though it's not strictly RAW, our GM let the party musket-toter strap a found rod of wonder to her firearm. That's been fun!

DoubleBubble wrote:
A cheap way to cast small spells with firearm would be mage shots. They make your attacks deal elemental damage with extra effects. So if you keep enough in your pockets, you will have many options. Stagger melee units, electricity. Fighting barbarians, cold. Trolls, acid. Dumb things that can't put out fire, fire. Apply to the right target, it will deal way more damage than you can expect.

Thanks, I'll be sure to remember the wands that would help and these mage shots.

The original plan is to make a Whacking Stick, like a club, say its a "practice firearm" and load it with wands, but the Mage Shots should give off roughly the same effect.

Happy blasting!

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