Path of War Sweeping Gambit confusion

Advice and Rules Questions

A player of mine brought up a question to me that left me unsure of the answer. Does the Warlord's Sweeping Gambit work with Greater Trip?

I'm leaning no as I remember a rule stating that the same trigger can't provoke multiple attacks of opportunity, in this case a successful trip attempt, but I also acknowledge that I might be looking at this the wrong way so I thought I'd ask and see what other people think.

Greater Trip:
You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.

Sweeping Gambit:
Risk: The warlord makes a trip attempt.
Reward: The warlord can make an attack of opportunity against the tripped opponent. If he hits, he gain a morale bonus on the damage roll equal to his warlord initiation modifier.

I'd say yes. They are slightly different triggers as per this FAQ.
Greater Trip only triggers on a successful trip.
Sweeping Gambit triggers on any attempt to trip.

Sweeping Gambit reward only triggers on a successful trip.

Would would not, since the reward happens upon tripping a foe, just like Greater Trip does. They are the same action instead of Greater Trip/Vicious Stomp.

On reflection I think you have to be right SorrySleeping.
On a failed check you can sweeping gambit, on a successful check you have to choose between the two.

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