Evolutionist: an Alchemist Archetype

Homebrew and House Rules

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Hey guys,

I made an Alchemist Archetype inspired by the Synthesist Summoner. As you'll easily find in it, I used the Mutagen an Unchained Eidolon as the bases for the Archetype.If you have any suggestions or find any balance issues, please leave them in the thread, I will take all of them into consideration, and may modify the Archetype to fit more in line with the standards set by you, the community, and my personal ideas for this Archetype. In a word: Playtest.

The Evolutionist is made to bring out some of the innate versatility of the Alchemist and mix it with the ever expanding versatility of the Unchained Summoner's Eidolon. With it's use of the Evogen (a modified Mutagen) to enhance its utility in and out of combat, the Evolutionist Alchemist Archetype is set to be a strong addition to your party.

Here is the Archetype as described: The Evolutionist Alchemist Archtype


Good to have some free evolutionary alchemist archetypal type stuff out there. ;)

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