Reptoid and Change Shape


Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So some advice on how people read this Reptoid-text from AA. I have no idea HOW can they spend more than 50% of their lives in the other form if the shapechanging only lasts for 200mins on lvl20 :P I was trying to find a shapeshifter species for a downtime encounter while waiting for AP part 4 but this was the best I could find without going to PF sources.
I think the text was written first, and they were supposed to be these great infiltrators, but when they decided to make this a PC race it would have been too strong so they had to water the ability down. However, it kinda ruins a good NPC unless I make some house rules up for them.

AA pg 93 wrote:
Reptoids are known to spend years in their assumed forms; some spend more of their lives as other creatures than in their natural forms.
AA pg 93 wrote:

Change Shape: Once per day, a reptoid can assume the appearance of a specific single Medium humanoid.

The reptoid always takes this specific form when using this ability. The reptoid gains a +10 racial
bonus to Disguise checks to appear as that type of humanoid. This ability otherwise functions as per
disguise self, and lasts for 10 minutes × the reptoid’s character level. A reptoid can select a new
humanoid form by spending 1 week preparing for the change, but can then no longer assume
the previous form.

I noticed this too, as a reptoid is a villain in an SFS scenario.

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If this is for an NPC specifically, ignore that clause; it's for the PC stat block and you have no obligation to even acknowledge it exists for NPCs. That said, the time limit is completely ridiculous, and I don't understand why they thought it was necessary. Given that the time required to select a new form is likely to be quite considerable for many campaigns, I can't imagine it would be that easily abused. As it is, throwing that clause into the ported Reptoid means a PC will be completely incapable of actually matching the fluff of race.

It's almost as bad as a PC Gray getting a cantrip rather than even limited telepathy.

Sovereign Court

The NPC ability is constant. Only the PC has the time restraint for some reason.

Ah, I see—the universal creature ability “Change Shape” doesn’t have the limit. I didn’t think about the appendix. Makes sense now.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In stark contrast, the astrozoan PC race from Pact Worlds can look like ANY Medium creature for any length of time, even specific individuals!

I see absolutely no reason why reptoids shouldn't be allowed to look like a single specific humanoid for an indefinite amount of time.

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