Luna Protege |

So I'm about to start playing in a campaign, and the GM happens to be letting me use Dragonkin as a race; unless some plans change massively though, I'm probably going to be going Technomancer, mostly because it fits with the backstory I wrote up.
I've run into several problems though... Starting with the fact the suggested Battlemage build I'm used to basically expects you to use ranged weapons rather than Melee or Thrown that would work well with Strength (and Dexterity Penalty); and we're doing 10 point buy, so I can't afford to put much into Dex... Granted, the point the spell hacks for the build start requiring ranged is about 8th level.
Also of note is the backstory: a forensics technician trying to work her way up to detective. Which means in THEORY I should be putting at least some amount of effort into social abilities like Sense Motive (if I can only get Wisdom) or Diplomacy (if I instead take a bit of Charisma).
... Of course, going by backstory, I should probably be using a Research Scientist build, or a Thaumaturge build anyways; but I've been under the impression that the "Harmful Spells" spell hack is sub optimal compared to weapon specialization with a decent weapon like an Advanced Melee weapon or Longarm. (Which is why I normally build Battlemages, Empowered Weapon and Supercharge Weapon add better damage).
I'd like advice on a few possible builds I could go with.

JetSetRadio |

So I'm about to start playing in a campaign, and the GM happens to be letting me use Dragonkin as a race; unless some plans change massively though, I'm probably going to be going Technomancer, mostly because it fits with the backstory I wrote up.
So I am a little confused. I can see Technomancer but why Dragonkin? How does that fit with the backstory? Looking at the Dragonkin, none of the race abilities jump out as benefits to a technomancer. Plus having a Large Dragonkin stomping around a crime scene might damage some of the evidence that's around. The melee battlemage doesn't strike me as "forensic technician" type. Normally police caring ranged weapons. Of course this is the future and they could start running around with swords. Have you looked at the Android (Seeing the "major motoko kusanagi" cop vibe)or Lashunta?
Android +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha
Lashunta +2 Cha, +2 Int, -2 Con
But if you do stick with the battlemage pick up heavy armor and fabricate tech for a laser sword.
Or you could go the computer hacking type.
Of course totally up to you and these are just suggestions. When you are thinking of your character you are probably thinking of something else completely.

Luna Protege |

So I am a little confused. I can see Technomancer but why Dragonkin? How does that fit with the backstory? Looking at the Dragonkin, none of the race abilities jump out as benefits to a technomancer. Plus having a Large Dragonkin stomping around a crime scene might damage some of the evidence that's around. The melee battlemage doesn't strike me as "forensic technician" type.
I actually like playing a race against type sometimes. Mostly because its fun, but its also somewhat believable that a race that didn't really have a choice in how it was born will sometimes have interests in things its not expected to go into.
... Where backstory becomes important to build is where a character needs to consider if the skills it picks up will be useful in the field they work in. So yes... Not sure they'd be a Battle Mage to start off, though story advancements may give them reason to go down that road... On the other hand, if they're trying to become a detective, which is a more combat focused role, they would want to focus slightly more on offense.
As for their size being an impediment to maintaining the crime scene, I sort of imagined that outside of their attempts to become a full detective, they spend most of their job in the lab, rather than on site... Either that or I go with computer the forensics idea, but to be fair, I kind of like the idea of a dragon in a lab coat.

Luna Protege |

Have you considered going mechanic or operative with your dragonkin forensic scientist? They are a little easier to build into strength melee builds if you’re wanting skills
I've considered both, and as I understand, having next to no Dex is going to be a point against Operative simply out of the lower Resolve... I mean, I could try, but I'm not convinced. Not to mention, given Detect Magic is one of those things I consider "essential" for forensics in a fantasy world, I'd be stuck waiting for level 5 before I could get to use the full toolkit necessary.
Mechanics on the other hand aren't really built for investigation, magical or otherwise. They're not really good with things like blood samples, chemistry, autopsies, or mysticism.

Farlanghn |

Mechanics on the other hand aren't really built for investigation, magical or otherwise. They're not really good with things like blood samples, chemistry, autopsies, or mysticism.
Physical Science (Int) is a class skill for the mechanic which is the skill you would need for samples, chemistry, and autopsies.

Luna Protege |

Luna Protege wrote:Mechanics on the other hand aren't really built for investigation, magical or otherwise. They're not really good with things like blood samples, chemistry, autopsies, or mysticism.Physical Science (Int) is a class skill for the mechanic which is the skill you would need for samples, chemistry, and autopsies.
I had to double check that Physical Science applies to Chemistry... And apparently it does.
... But analysing blood samples, genetics, and cutting open dead bodies to determine cause of death is still going to be Life Science, not Physical Science.
Physical Science would be more Ballistics.
Arguably I could go Mechanic and have the Scholar Theme give Life Science as a Class skill... But honestly, I just find the Mechanic isn't really what I'm looking for; they seem like they'd be more at home in the armoury as the supply sergeant than in the lab. When they're not a straight up Cyber Soldier that is.

Valfen |
An interesting concept !
I'd ask your GM if he'd let you use the "ability quick pick" optional method. It's equivalent to the 10-point method, but ignores racial adjustments, which could help in your case. (split or versatile could both work I think)
If you're dead set on melee, I'd try begging for free "racial" proficiency in Dragonglaive. You'd suck at anything ranged, but wouldn't have to burn feats on using the emblematic Dragonkin weapon (a melee technomancer is already quite wonky, it's a tiny gain). If you want melee/thrown, you need adv. melee for starknives, so you're looking at a 2-3 feats investment.