Emerald City Comic Con 2018

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

I saw a blog post showing all 3 play staff coming to Emerald City Comic Con. Paizo though is not currently listed on the ECCC website or App and there is nothing on Warhorn. Is there any information available to about if there will be PFS or SFS games and schedules?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

We are running demo events during the day for Starfinder RPG, Pathfinder RPG, and Pathfinder ACG. We will also have a limited number of scenarios running as well. I'm working with the volunteer coordinator to get the event planned. We don't do warhorn, but signups on site, due to the nature of the event.

We submitted text for the website/book and it should be appearing shortly.

Thanks for the query!

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