iCrit and iFail Updates?

Customer Service

Dark Archive

So, any chance on getting updates to the iCrit and iFail apps on the iPhone? I loved having them because I didn't have to carry my cards around or risk losing them.

However, since iOS11 the app has quit working and now I just get a message that it needs to be updated to iOS11.

So, what do you say? Please? :)

Not sure if this would be helpful? http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/tools/critical-generator/

Silver Crusade

It’s my understanding that the company that made the app doesn’t exist anymore/isn’t partnered with Paizo anymore. So no updates :(

Customer Service Representative

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Hello Zelda,

Rysky is correct. Our Chief Technical Officer, Vic Wertz mentioned that in the product discussion:

Vic Wertz wrote:
As we have no relationship with the development house that created them, this is going to be Android only for the foreseeable future.

Dark Archive

Ah, that sucks, but thanks.

Hopefully you can someday find another company to make them for you? Seeing as how the page said the app was by "Paizo" then it would seem you still retain the copyright? As others said on the product page, I'd buy it again.

I really want this apps updated, and to be honest since it was a payed application i was expecting at least minor updates so they can work on the new iphones btw if i knew that it was another developer i would not purchase it it. :(

Please find a way to update them !!!

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