SlackC |

This seems common-sense, but I can't find it spelled out in the core rulebook: A feat's level is a minimum required level to acquire that feat, right? So in addition to all other requirements for a feat, I can't pick a level-3 feat until I'm level 3 or higher?
Again, seems obvious, but I can't seem to find the rule. Thanks!

Mathmuse |

The rule about the level requirement for feats is one easily overlooked sentence on page 18 of the PF2 Core Rulebook. In Archives of Nethys, it is under Reading Rules.
In the diagram of how to read the format of an action or feat, it says, "Prerequisites Any minimum ability scores, feats, proficiency ranks, or other prerequisites you must have before you can access this rule element are listed here. Feats also have a level prerequisite, which appears above."