What kind of action(s) is picking something up while charging someone and hitting them with it.

Rules Questions

So I was thinking about this and I guess it would take 2 rounds to charge someone grab something on your way to them (say a dropped sword or a chair or something) then hit them with it. you would have to stop and use a standard to pick up the weapon right? no way to grab it and use it on your way correct?

Picking up an item is a move action. Charging is a full action. Unless you have an ability the changes an action type, it cannot be done.

You'd have to move to the object pick it up and then charge the next round right? so no matter what its a two round thing.

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If the object in question isn't on the floor but on a table-hight thing along the route of the charge or is sticking up out of the ground I'd let it count as 'drawing a weapon as part of moving' or I might let a player make a sleight of hand check to do it as part of a charge. But yeah, rules as written, Ciaran has it correct I think.

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