New to Adventure Paths, looking for info

Skull & Shackles

Hey, I have been playing pathfinder for years. My friends want as authentic adventure as possible for Skull and Shackles.

I was looking at getting the Inner Sea Primer and Pirates of the Inner Seas, but is the same information covered in The Inner Seas World? I only want to know so I don't go buying the same material over and over.

The ISWG will go into more detail than the 1 page blip in the Inner Sear Primer, and generally provides the same kind of information. Essentially for each region of the Inner Sea there are 1-3 (iirc) pages of information concerning the region, people, government, major cities, places to explore and such. I recommend picking up the ISWG for general knowledge and contents of all the regions, especially over a long term Pathfinder experience, but if you *really* just want knowledge of one particular place then you may be disappointed.

I haven't read or played Skull and Shackles and so I don't know what information is presented exactly; I do know the APs generally provide pretty good articles on certain areas featured in the AP. I would guess that you have enough material with the AP, Primer, and Pirates of the Inner Sea.

Some other suggestions:

  • Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea

  • I am less looking for information on thr area, and more looking for traits, archetypes, and the like. A way to help the players make a fantastic character.


    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    OrcSmash83 wrote:
    I am less looking for information on thr area, and more looking for traits, archetypes, and the like. A way to help the players make a fantastic character.

    Justaworm pointed you exactly in the correct direction.

    OrcSmash83 wrote:
    I am less looking for information on thr area, and more looking for traits, archetypes, and the like. A way to help the players make a fantastic character.

    Get the S&S Player's Guide for common archetypes, Sorcerer Bloodlines, Favored Enemies, etc.

    There are SRDs available for free for stuff like traits

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