What is a composite helix ioun stone

Ruins of Azlant

It is mentioned in book 5, and I want more information about what it is.

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The answer is... it doesn't exist yet. Even Seriel might not know what its function will be. (As one might surmise from the contents of her workbench, her success rate isn't exactly perfect.)

It mostly exists to sound really impressive, and to inspire GMs to come up with something fancy for a unique ioun stone to do. The sepia ellipsoid ioun stone, from Seekers of Secrets, might be worth looking at for inspiration; given her history, Seriel would be grimly amused by that stone's cannibalistic habits.

That's the best I've got for you. Maybe others will help you come up with something... nothing like a bit of collaborative brainstorming. ^_^

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Will do :) Thank you Isabelle Lee :)

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