Looking for languages


I'm making an anatomist character and I'm wondering what languages would make sense for him to know. What races would have a lot of medical books or knowledge?
I'm sure the most common races are a good start: Common, Dwarven and Elven. I'm going to put a couple ranks in linguistics.

Any advice is welcomed.

Usually ancient texts come in Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal, or Infernal. How moral or ambiguous is your character. With the 3 divine languages that is going to have an impact as to where you are willing to look for sources. Given necromancer's interest in anatomy, Necril could be a good add.

I'm going for chaotic neutral.
I didn't know there was a "necromancer" language. Thanks for the advices.
I was thinking about studying from the Alabaster Academy in Cheliax. They don't seem to be against diabolism, so I guess necromancy for medicinal knowledge might be acceptable too? Does that make sense?

Depends on how far you are willing to go.

Undercommon is great if you wish to learn the arts of drow fleshcrafters.

Aklo is used by pretty much anything weird and tentacle-y. This is good for talking to Aboleth experts, or just anything from between the stars.

Doppleman wrote:

I'm going for chaotic neutral.

I didn't know there was a "necromancer" language. Thanks for the advices.
I was thinking about studying from the Alabaster Academy in Cheliax. They don't seem to be against diabolism, so I guess necromancy for medicinal knowledge might be acceptable too? Does that make sense?

Technically it is the language of the undead, but to my mind Necromancers would learn it to give orders and tend to assume others won't learn it so what better way to protect their texts. If your using a standard Pathfinder setting some of the ancient half forgotten languages of Thassilonian and Azlanti could also work. There are campaign specific traits to learn each of the languages (Rise of the Rune Lords and Emerald Spire for reference), but I wouldn't be surprised if your GM made you go on an adventure to learn them since they belong to empires that fell 10,000 years before the adventures in the paizo mods started. Starting at the Academy though may give your GM enough reason to allow knowing one for a trait.

I thought Aboleth was a language. Hmm Aklo is good though anyway as the language of dark fey.

Calnar wrote:
I thought Aboleth was a language. Hmm Aklo is good though anyway as the language of dark fey.

Ah, aboleth is a language. But they also have aklo. So it is still valid, with the added advantage that it applies to other strange things besides aboleth.

Ask your GM. Anywhere but the base campaign, GMs might have a different set of languages (I do).

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