Erich Williams |

A friend of mine brought up something about the Skyreaver that I can't adequately answer, so I bring you his question.
For the Skyreaver ability, do you also need to be flying in order to use it against a flying creature? It specifies that it's meant to be used against flying opponents, but you likely have no means of flight (or shouldn't be expected to since nothing in your build should've given it to you by now) so are you expected to fly up to an opponent, or are you supposed to hope they don't have flyby attack and hit them near the ground where falling will only knock them prone?
Also, it is a SU ability instead of an EX, which is strange because an equally potent power (Savior of the Swallowed) is just EX. What's supernatural about hitting something in a way that makes it fall?
Or, out-of-left-field possibility, was this originally supposed to be a ranged magical attack?

Isabelle Lee |

It's assumed that you made the connection somehow - potions of fly, sharding longsword, what have you. And eventually, you'll have air walk to get you there. ^_^
It's supernatural because of the penalty on Fly checks. Like most of the class's features, it was always supposed to be a single attack with a longsword.

Erich Williams |

It's assumed that you made the connection somehow - potions of fly, sharding longsword, what have you. And eventually, you'll have air walk to get you there. ^_^
It's supernatural because of the penalty on Fly checks. Like most of the class's features, it was always supposed to be a single attack with a longsword.
Which is strange. I may be blanking on a lot of PF content, but as far as I know no class grants you features you can't use without the aid of magic you yourself can't cast.